Preliminary GLES2 implementation

This commit is contained in:
S2S 2020-04-27 18:49:56 +02:00
parent 369529b84a
commit 265143e441
1 changed files with 101 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@ public:
if (g_textureConvert.useTextureFiltering()) {
shaderPart +=
"uniform lowp int uTextureFilterMode; \n"
"lowp vec4 readTex(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2 texCoord, in lowp int fbMonochrome, in lowp int fbFixedAlpha); \n"
"lowp vec4 readTex(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2[5] tcData, in lowp int fbMonochrome, in lowp int fbFixedAlpha); \n"
if (g_textureConvert.useYUVCoversion()) {
@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@ public:
"uniform lowp ivec2 uTextureFormat; \n"
"uniform lowp int uTextureConvert; \n"
"uniform mediump ivec4 uConvertParams; \n"
"lowp vec4 YUV_Convert(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2 texCoord, in lowp int convert, in lowp int format, in lowp vec4 prev); \n"
"lowp vec4 YUV_Convert(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2[5] tcData, in lowp int convert, in lowp int format, in lowp vec4 prev); \n"
@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ public:
} else {
m_part =
"lowp vec4 readTex(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2 texCoord, in lowp int fbMonochrome, in lowp int fbFixedAlpha); \n"
"lowp vec4 readTex(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2[5] tcData, in lowp int fbMonochrome, in lowp int fbFixedAlpha); \n"
@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ public:
if (_glinfo.isGLES2) {
m_part =
" nCurrentTile = 0; \n"
" lowp vec4 readtex0 = readTex(uTex0, texCoord0, uFbMonochrome[0], uFbFixedAlpha[0]); \n"
" lowp vec4 readtex0 = readTex(uTex0, tcData0, uFbMonochrome[0], uFbFixedAlpha[0]); \n"
} else {
if ( > 0) {
@ -1470,10 +1470,10 @@ public:
shaderPart = " nCurrentTile = 0; \n";
if (g_textureConvert.getBilerp0()) {
shaderPart += " lowp vec4 readtex0 = readTex(uTex0, texCoord0, uFbMonochrome[0], uFbFixedAlpha[0]); \n";
shaderPart += " lowp vec4 readtex0 = readTex(uTex0, tcData0, uFbMonochrome[0], uFbFixedAlpha[0]); \n";
} else {
shaderPart += " lowp vec4 tmpTex = vec4(0.0); \n"
" lowp vec4 readtex0 = YUV_Convert(uTex0, texCoord0, 0, uTextureFormat[0], tmpTex); \n";
" lowp vec4 readtex0 = YUV_Convert(uTex0, tcData0, 0, uTextureFormat[0], tmpTex); \n";
} else {
@ -1519,9 +1519,9 @@ public:
shaderPart = " nCurrentTile = 1; \n";
if (g_textureConvert.getBilerp1()) {
shaderPart += " lowp vec4 readtex1 = readTex(uTex1, texCoord1, uFbMonochrome[1], uFbFixedAlpha[1]); \n";
shaderPart += " lowp vec4 readtex1 = readTex(uTex1, tcData1, uFbMonochrome[1], uFbFixedAlpha[1]); \n";
} else {
shaderPart += " lowp vec4 readtex1 = YUV_Convert(uTex1, texCoord1, uTextureConvert, uTextureFormat[1], readtex0); \n";
shaderPart += " lowp vec4 readtex1 = YUV_Convert(uTex1, tcData1, uTextureConvert, uTextureFormat[1], readtex0); \n";
} else {
@ -1810,6 +1810,23 @@ public:
ShaderMipmap(const opengl::GLInfo & _glinfo)
if (_glinfo.isGLES2) {
"uniform mediump vec2 uTextureSize[2]; \n"
"lowp vec4 TextureMipMap(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2[5] tcData, in lowp float lod) \n"
"{ \n"
" mediump vec2 texSize; \n"
" if (nCurrentTile == 0) \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[0]; \n"
" else \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[1]; \n"
" lowp vec4 c00 = texture2DLodEXT(tex, (tcData[0] + 0.5)/texSize, lod); \n"
" lowp vec4 c01 = texture2DLodEXT(tex, (tcData[1] + 0.5)/texSize, lod); \n"
" lowp vec4 c10 = texture2DLodEXT(tex, (tcData[2] + 0.5)/texSize, lod); \n"
" lowp vec4 c11 = texture2DLodEXT(tex, (tcData[3] + 0.5)/texSize, lod); \n"
" lowp vec4 c0 = c00 + tcData[4].s * (c10-c00); \n"
" lowp vec4 c1 = c01 + tcData[4].s * (c11-c01); \n"
" return c0 + tcData[4].t * (c1-c0); \n"
" } \n"
if (config.generalEmulation.enableLOD == 0) {
// Fake mipmap
m_part =
@ -1817,8 +1834,8 @@ public:
"uniform mediump float uMinLod; \n"
" \n"
"mediump float mipmap(out lowp vec4 readtex0, out lowp vec4 readtex1) { \n"
" readtex0 = texture2D(uTex0, texCoord0); \n"
" readtex1 = texture2D(uTex1, texCoord1); \n"
" readtex0 = TextureMipMap(uTex0, tcData0, 0.0); \n"
" readtex1 = TextureMipMap(uTex1, tcData1, 0.0); \n"
" if (uMaxTile == 0) return 1.0; \n"
" return uMinLod; \n"
"} \n"
@ -1831,8 +1848,8 @@ public:
"uniform lowp int uTextureDetail; \n"
" \n"
"mediump float mipmap(out lowp vec4 readtex0, out lowp vec4 readtex1) { \n"
" readtex0 = texture2D(uTex0, texCoord0); \n"
" readtex1 = texture2DLodEXT(uTex1, texCoord1, 0.0); \n"
" readtex0 = TextureMipMap(uTex0, tcData0, 0.0); \n"
" readtex1 = TextureMipMap(uTex1, tcData1, 0.0); \n"
" \n"
" mediump float fMaxTile = float(uMaxTile); \n"
" mediump vec2 dx = abs(dFdx(vLodTexCoord)) * uScreenScale; \n"
@ -1861,9 +1878,9 @@ public:
" lod_tile = min(lod_tile, fMaxTile); \n"
" lowp float lod_tile_m1 = max(0.0, lod_tile - 1.0); \n"
" lowp float lod_tile_p1 = min(fMaxTile - 1.0, lod_tile + 1.0); \n"
" lowp vec4 lodT = texture2DLodEXT(uTex1, texCoord1, lod_tile); \n"
" lowp vec4 lodT_m1 = texture2DLodEXT(uTex1, texCoord1, lod_tile_m1); \n"
" lowp vec4 lodT_p1 = texture2DLodEXT(uTex1, texCoord1, lod_tile_p1); \n"
" lowp vec4 lodT = TextureMipMap(uTex1, tcData1, lod_tile); \n"
" lowp vec4 lodT_m1 = TextureMipMap(uTex1, tcData1, lod_tile_m1); \n"
" lowp vec4 lodT_p1 = TextureMipMap(uTex1, tcData1, lod_tile_p1); \n"
" if (lod_tile < 1.0) { \n"
" if (magnify) { \n"
// !sharpen && !detail
@ -2039,13 +2056,25 @@ public:
std::string shaderPart;
if (m_glinfo.isGLES2) {
shaderPart +=
"uniform mediump vec2 uTextureSize[2]; \n"
"lowp vec4 TextureNearest(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2[5] tcData) \n"
"{ \n"
" mediump vec2 texSize; \n"
" if (nCurrentTile == 0) \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[0]; \n"
" else \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[1]; \n"
" return texture2D(tex, (tcData[0] + 0.5) / texSize); \n"
" } \n"
if (g_textureConvert.useYUVCoversion())
shaderPart +=
"lowp vec4 YUV_Convert(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2 texCoord, in lowp int convert, in lowp int format, in lowp vec4 prev) \n"
"lowp vec4 YUV_Convert(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2[5] tcData, in lowp int convert, in lowp int format, in lowp vec4 prev) \n"
"{ \n"
" lowp vec4 texColor; \n"
" if (convert != 0) texColor = prev; \n"
" else texColor = texture2D(tex, texCoord); \n"
" else texColor = TextureNearest(tex, tcData); \n"
" mediump ivec4 icolor = ivec4(texColor*255.0); \n"
" if (format == 1) \n"
" icolor.rg -= 128; \n"
@ -2060,61 +2089,54 @@ public:
if (g_textureConvert.useTextureFiltering()) {
if (config.texture.bilinearMode == BILINEAR_3POINT) {
shaderPart +=
"uniform mediump vec2 uTextureSize[2]; \n"
// "uniform mediump vec2 uTextureSize[2]; \n" NOT NEEDED HERE?
// 3 point texture filtering.
// Original author: ArthurCarvalho
// GLSL implementation: twinaphex, mupen64plus-libretro project.
"#define TEX_OFFSET(off) texture2D(tex, texCoord - (off)/texSize) \n"
"lowp vec4 TextureFilter(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2 texCoord) \n"
"{ \n"
" mediump vec2 texSize; \n"
" if (nCurrentTile == 0) \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[0]; \n"
" else \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[1]; \n"
" mediump vec2 offset = fract(texCoord*texSize - vec2(0.5)); \n"
" offset -= step(1.0, offset.x + offset.y); \n"
" lowp vec4 c0 = TEX_OFFSET(offset); \n"
" lowp vec4 c1 = TEX_OFFSET(vec2(offset.x - sign(offset.x), offset.y)); \n"
" lowp vec4 c2 = TEX_OFFSET(vec2(offset.x, offset.y - sign(offset.y))); \n"
" return c0 + abs(offset.x)*(c1-c0) + abs(offset.y)*(c2-c0); \n"
"} \n"
"lowp vec4 TextureFilter(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2[5] tcData) \n"
"{ \n"
" mediump vec2 texSize; \n"
" if (nCurrentTile == 0) \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[0]; \n"
" else \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[1]; \n"
" lowp float bottomRightTri = step(1.0, tcData[4].s + tcData[4].t); \n"
" lowp vec4 c00 = texture2D(tex, (tcData[0] + 0.5)/texSize); \n"
" lowp vec4 c01 = texture2D(tex, (tcData[1] + 0.5)/texSize); \n"
" lowp vec4 c10 = texture2D(tex, (tcData[2] + 0.5)/texSize); \n"
" lowp vec4 c11 = texture2D(tex, (tcData[3] + 0.5)/texSize); \n"
" lowp vec4 c0 = c00 + tcData[4].s*(c10-c00) + tcData[4].t*(c01-c00); \n"
" lowp vec4 c1 = c11 + (1.0-tcData[4].s)*(c01-c11) + (1.0-tcData[4].t)*(c10-c11); \n"
" return c0 + bottomRightTri * (c1-c0); \n"
" } \n"
} else {
shaderPart +=
// bilinear filtering.
"uniform mediump vec2 uTextureSize[2]; \n"
"#define TEX_OFFSET(off) texture2D(tex, texCoord - (off)/texSize) \n"
"lowp vec4 TextureFilter(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2 texCoord) \n"
"{ \n"
" mediump vec2 texSize; \n"
" if (nCurrentTile == 0) \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[0]; \n"
" else \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[1]; \n"
" mediump vec2 offset = fract(texCoord*texSize - vec2(0.5)); \n"
" offset -= step(1.0, offset.x + offset.y); \n"
" lowp vec4 zero = vec4(0.0); \n"
" \n"
" lowp vec4 p0q0 = TEX_OFFSET(offset); \n"
" lowp vec4 p1q0 = TEX_OFFSET(vec2(offset.x - sign(offset.x), offset.y)); \n"
" \n"
" lowp vec4 p0q1 = TEX_OFFSET(vec2(offset.x, offset.y - sign(offset.y))); \n"
" lowp vec4 p1q1 = TEX_OFFSET(vec2(offset.x - sign(offset.x), offset.y - sign(offset.y)));\n"
" \n"
" mediump vec2 interpolationFactor = abs(offset); \n"
" lowp vec4 pInterp_q0 = mix( p0q0, p1q0, interpolationFactor.x ); \n" // Interpolates top row in X direction.
" lowp vec4 pInterp_q1 = mix( p0q1, p1q1, interpolationFactor.x ); \n" // Interpolates bottom row in X direction.
" return mix( pInterp_q0, pInterp_q1, interpolationFactor.y ); \n" // Interpolate in Y direction.
"} \n"
//"uniform mediump vec2 uTextureSize[2]; \n" NOT NEEDED HERE?
"lowp vec4 TextureFilter(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2[5] tcData) \n"
"{ \n"
" mediump vec2 texSize; \n"
" if (nCurrentTile == 0) \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[0]; \n"
" else \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[1]; \n"
" lowp vec4 c00 = texture2D(tex, (tcData[0] + 0.5)/texSize); \n"
" lowp vec4 c01 = texture2D(tex, (tcData[1] + 0.5)/texSize); \n"
" lowp vec4 c10 = texture2D(tex, (tcData[2] + 0.5)/texSize); \n"
" lowp vec4 c11 = texture2D(tex, (tcData[3] + 0.5)/texSize); \n"
" lowp vec4 c0 = c00 + tcData[4].s * (c10-c00); \n"
" lowp vec4 c1 = c01 + tcData[4].s * (c11-c01); \n"
" return c0 + tcData[4].t * (c1-c0); \n"
" } \n"
shaderPart +=
"lowp vec4 readTex(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2 texCoord, in lowp int fbMonochrome, in lowp int fbFixedAlpha) \n"
"lowp vec4 readTex(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2[5] tcData, in lowp int fbMonochrome, in lowp int fbFixedAlpha) \n"
"{ \n"
" lowp vec4 texColor; \n"
" if (uTextureFilterMode == 0) texColor = texture2D(tex, texCoord); \n"
" else texColor = TextureFilter(tex, texCoord); \n"
" if (uTextureFilterMode == 0) texColor = TextureNearest(tex, tcData); \n"
" else texColor = TextureFilter(tex, tcData); \n"
" if (fbMonochrome == 1) texColor = vec4(texColor.r); \n"
" else if (fbMonochrome == 2) \n"
" texColor.rgb = vec3(dot(vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722), texColor.rgb)); \n"
@ -2172,15 +2194,25 @@ public:
if (_glinfo.isGLES2) {
m_part =
"lowp vec4 readTex(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2 texCoord, in lowp int fbMonochrome, in lowp int fbFixedAlpha) \n"
"{ \n"
" lowp vec4 texColor = texture2D(tex, texCoord); \n"
" if (fbMonochrome == 1) texColor = vec4(texColor.r); \n"
" else if (fbMonochrome == 2) \n"
" texColor.rgb = vec3(dot(vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722), texColor.rgb)); \n"
" if (fbFixedAlpha == 1) texColor.a = 0.825; \n"
" return texColor; \n"
"} \n"
"uniform mediump vec2 uTextureSize[2]; \n"
"lowp vec4 TextureNearest(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2[5] tcData) \n"
"{ \n"
" mediump vec2 texSize; \n"
" if (nCurrentTile == 0) \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[0]; \n"
" else \n"
" texSize = uTextureSize[1]; \n"
" return texture2D(tex, (tcData[0] + 0.5) / texSize); \n"
" } \n"
"lowp vec4 readTex(in sampler2D tex, in highp vec2[5] tcData, in lowp int fbMonochrome, in lowp int fbFixedAlpha) \n"
"{ \n"
" lowp vec4 texColor = TextureNearest(tex, tcData); \n"
" if (fbMonochrome == 1) texColor = vec4(texColor.r); \n"
" else if (fbMonochrome == 2) \n"
" texColor.rgb = vec3(dot(vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722), texColor.rgb)); \n"
" if (fbFixedAlpha == 1) texColor.a = 0.825; \n"
" return texColor; \n"
"} \n"
} else {
if ( > 0) {