mirror of https://github.com/blawar/GLideN64.git synced 2024-07-02 09:03:37 +00:00

Build script: bug correction and new features

This commit is contained in:
Jj0YzL5nvJ 2021-02-10 13:50:17 -07:00 committed by Sergey Lipskiy
parent 7a0dd7ff1a
commit e6c3797726

View File

@ -10,13 +10,15 @@ if not exist "%~dp0%DPROJ%" goto err
set ARCH=
set BOTH=0
set CONF=Release
set DLQT=0
set KAP=7z
set NO7=0
set DQTD=1
set REB=
set NOQT=0
set NOWTL=0
set NOM64=0
set ESIM=0
set EBQ=explorer "."
set EBQ=start "" explorer .
taskkill /im msbuild.exe /f 2>nul
taskkill /im vctip.exe /f 2>nul
taskkill /im mspdbsrv.exe /f 2>nul
@ -27,11 +29,13 @@ for %%P in (%*) do (
if /i "%%P"=="--x64" set ARCH=x64& set BOTH=0
if /i "%%P"=="--all" set ARCH=x64& set BOTH=1
if /i "%%P"=="--debug" set CONF=Debug
if /i "%%P"=="--zip" set KAP=zip
if /i "%%P"=="--nopak" set NO7=1
if /i "%%P"=="--rebuild" set REB=/t:Rebuild
if /i "%%P"=="--noqt" set NOQT=1
if /i "%%P"=="--nowtl" set NOWTL=1
if /i "%%P"=="--nom64" set NOM64=1
if /i "%%P"=="--dlqt" set DLQT=1
if /i "%%P"=="--dlqt" set DQTD=0
if /i "%%P"=="--sim" set ESIM=1
if /i "%%P"=="--q" set EBQ=REM
@ -41,7 +45,8 @@ set /a MOD=%NOQT%+%NOWTL%+%NOM64%
set MSG=All compilation tasks were disabled on request
if %MOD%==3 goto err
set MSG=7z was not found in the environment
7z >nul 2>&1
set /a MOD=%NO7%+%DQTD%
if %MOD% NEQ 2 7z >nul 2>&1
set tVSPF=%ProgramFiles(x86)%
@ -82,7 +87,7 @@ set "QTVER=qt-5_7_1-%ARCH%-msvc2017-static"
if exist "..\Qt\%QTVER%\include\QtCore" goto nodl
set MSG=Path to Qt %ARCH% was not specified or detected
if %DLQT%==0 goto err
if %DQTD%==1 goto err
set MSG=cURL was not found in the environment
curl --version >nul 2>&1
@ -128,7 +133,7 @@ if %ESIM%==1 (
set "MBQT=echo %MBQT%"
md "translations\wtl" 2>nul
del /f /q "%BUILDROUTE%\*_%ARCH%.7z" 2>nul
del /f /q "%BUILDROUTE%\*_%ARCH%.%KAP%" 2>nul
set errorlevel=0
set "MBWTL=%MBQT%"
@ -201,13 +206,16 @@ for /f "tokens=1" %%R in ('git describe --always') do set "REV=%%R"
set MSG=The route could not be accessed:^& echo %BUILDROUTE%
pushd "%BUILDROUTE%"
for /f "tokens=*" %%Z in ('dir /ad /b *_%ARCH%') do 7z a -t7z "GLideN64-%REV%-%%Z.7z" ".\%%Z\*"
set MOD=the compressed files
if %NO7%==1 set MOD=the plugins& goto z7
for /f "tokens=*" %%Z in ('dir /ad /b *_%ARCH%') do 7z a -t%KAP% "GLideN64-%REV%-%%Z.%KAP%" ".\%%Z\*"
if "%ARCH%"=="x64" (
if %BOTH%==1 set ARCH=x86& goto X86
set MSG=DONE!^& echo Path to the compressed files:^& echo %CD%
set MSG=DONE!^& echo Path to %MOD%:^& echo %CD%
set WTF=%errorlevel%
@ -262,11 +270,14 @@ echo --noqt To build without Qt support, it will ignore the
echo effects of QTDIR_x* and "--dlqt"
echo --nowtl To skip WTL builds
echo --nom64 To skip mupen64plus builds
echo --nopak To skip packing the plugins, "--zip" will be ineffective
echo It will disable 7-Zip completely if "--dlqt" isn't used
echo --rebuild To rebuild without cleaning
echo --sim Simulated build, quick environment check without compiling
echo It's destructive to the final product by creating
echo dummy files, make sure to use "--clean" afterwards
echo --q Don't interact with Windows Explorer at the end
echo --zip Pack to ZIP files instead of 7Z files
echo Usage examples: