Fork 0

1125 lines
49 KiB

* Filesystem: close all handles when switching to other game directory
* Sound: fixed potential division-by-zero in S_GetSoundTime() in case of failed DirectSound initialization, reworked shutdown functions
* Unix: output only printable chars in console
* SDL: removed archive flag for \in_nograb
* QVM: added more optimizations, removed unsafe x86 optimizations with disabled VM_RTCHECK_DATA
* QVM: always force either range checks or data mask operations
* vm_x86: implemented new bytecode compiler with dynamic register allocation and many optimizations similar to aarch64/armv7l, brings ~2x performance increase
* vm_aarch64, vm_armv7l: added more optimizations, yields another ~40% performance increase
* win32: allow copying selected text from dedicated console via keyboard shortcuts
* win32: fixed input regression caused by previous fix for high-dpi mice in win10 insider builds
* win32: fixed application crash caused by hardened longjmp() in recent win10 versions
* win32: fixed broken minimize function after \vid_restart
* QVM: more correct handling of NaNs in bytecode compilers
* QVM: fixed non-working RocketArena3 server code
* Cvars: avoid misleading warnings when changing ROM variables
* Cvars: allow override "protocol" from command-line
* Sound: reduced lag during video capture
* SDL2: (somewhat) fixed non-working console key for non-US keyboard layouts
* Vulkan: fixed some broken debug features
* Vulkan: fixed resource leaks and incorrect layout transitions during image capture
* Vulkan: avoid redundant scissor updates
* Vulkan: use correct texture bundle for lighting, use static uniform location to avoid pushing garbage from stack variables
* Vulkan: fixed crash with \r_showtris 1 and \r_fastsky 1, fixed environment shader selection
* OpenGL: fixed crash with \snd_restart
* Do not light up shaders whose sort comes after insertion point (SS_FOG)
* Unified gamma correction between OpenGL and Vulkan renderers
* Vulkan: implemented super-sample anti-aliasing, can be enabled via \r_ext_supersample 1, requires \r_fbo 1
* Vulkan: added \r_presentBits to support HDR monitors, added \r_dither to control dithering in such cases
* Vulkan: added more multitexturing optimizations
* OpenGL: fixed incorrect image capture with supersampling and renderscale enabled
* OpenGL: fixed texture generation for environment-mapped shaders in VBO
* OpenGL: disable bloom if multitexturing was disabled via \r_ext_multitexture 0
* Renderers: dereference $vid_width and $vid_height to actual rendering width/height inside extended shaders
* Win32: fixed crash on nvidia systems when using Vulkan renderer and Win+D hotkey
* Win32: fixed accidental focus losses when using high-dpi mice
* Win32: fixed non-working \in_minimize in windowed mode
* Win32: catch rare DescribePixelFormat() crash
* Fixed error raised by messagemode 3/4 called without running cgvm
* Fixed another crash in FixRenderCommandList()
* Fixed potential crash with fog table
* Allow \reconnect to work after client restart
* Added warnings in developer mode to know why and when a sound isn't played
* Added \r_dlightSaturation
* Unlocked \r_lodCurveError
* Check integrity of loaded maps and models
* SDL2+Wayland compatibility fixes
* Various fixes and improvements
* Win32: try to catch exceptions instead of silent crashing
* Win32: made unhandled exceptions non-fatal
* Sound: backported some fixes from ioq3, improved skip protection and reduced latency
* Client: made console hide/display speed do not depend from \timescale
* Client: updated built-in jpeg library version from 8c to 9d
* Client: allow setting window title via command-line cl_title cvar
* Renderers: avoid using detail textures for lighting stage
* Renderers: fixed shader parsing regression introduced by optional 'firstPerson' key
* Renderers: reverted color correction for external lightmap atlases
* Vulkan: list all available GPUs at startup
* Vulkan: added option to automatically select discrete/integrated GPUs via \r_device values -1 and -2
* Vulkan: changed \r_device default to -1 (auto-select first discrete GPU)
* Vulkan: fixed potential crash caused by incorrect index offset bond
* Miscellaneous fixes and improvements
* Allow changing extension for \video-pipe output files
* More optimizations for vm_aarch64
* Fixed "ResampleTexture: max width" error in renderers
* Fixed crash in linux client caused by unitialized cvars, added backtrace output for debug builds
* Client: automatically rescale console chars height for resolutions greater than FullHD
* Vulkan: do not crash if validation layer is not available in debug mode, some other minor fixes
* Added support for Raspberry Pi 4, Vulkan renderer seems to work fine with its beta driver
* Added very fast bytecode compilers for 32/64-bit ARM processors, slight improvements for x86
* OpenGL: fixed anisotropy level always forced to 1
* Vulkan: implemented bloom post-processing effect, can be enabled via \r_bloom 1 cvar, requires \r_fbo 1
* Vulkan: speedup video/screenshot capture
* SDL: added missing \in_restart command
* Added description for \fs_homepath and \fs_excludeReference cvars
* Added support for compiling on MacOS and ARM-based platforms
* Various small corrections
* Added support for external lightmap atlases stored in maps/<mapname>/lm_XXXX textures
* Vulkan: added debug markers for resources, can be useful for tools like RenderDoc
* Vulkan: fixed incorrect color format setup with r_hdr 1 and r_fbo 0
* Vulkan: render screenmap only in first scene
* Fixed incorrect usage of \r_dlightScale, slightly improved lighting stage selection
* Added wrapper over gai_strerror() to force english error messages
* Fixed 2+ arguments command completion for \rcon commands
* Fixed some broken binds
* Removed dead KP_STAR bind (referenced only in unused macosx code)
* Re-enable depth writes for skybox to fix cases when it can overlap with portal models
* Backported alpha-to-coverage fix from cnq3 for alpha-test function #1
* Vulkan: fixed discard optimization
* Vulkan: fixed broken TCgen optimization
* Vulkan: use FIFO_RELAXED if available for V-Sync
* Vulkan: added support for mailbox presentation mode via \r_swapInterval 2 cvar
* Server: missing pure checksums at CS_ACTIVE now will cause client drop or gamestate retransmission at CS_PRIMED
* Win32: try to reset read-only attribute when writing q3config.cfg
* Server: run userinfo filter as early as possible
* Vulkan: reworked library loader
* Vulkan: fixed \imagelist displaying wrong image formats
* Vulkan: fixed broken cinematics with \r_textureBits 16
* Vulkan: fixed broken single-texture+fog shader
* Vulkan: fixed multi-texture bind order
* Allow shaders extensions to be used within .shaderx files only
* Vulkan: improved performance and compatibility
* Vulkan: imlemented reversed depth buffer to avoid z-figting on very large maps
* Vulkan: fixed framebuffer corruption on Intel iGPUs
* Vulkan: fixed HDR screenshots/video capture on Nvidia drivers
* OpenGL: fixed rendering of some environment mapping shaders in VBO
* Increased MAX_IMAGE_ANIMATIONS from 8 to 24, considering using it from shaderx files only to maintain compatibility
* Changed option set for \r_showTris to 0 (disabled), 1 (exclude console) and 2 (include everything)
* Change Sys_SnapVector to `rint` the components for x64 linux/mingw (to sync with everything else)
* Fixed vertex buffer overflow on zeel-exzeel_slick map, optimized skybox rendering
* Vulkan: implemented geometry buffer resizing on the fly, no more fatal errors
* Vulkan: fixed screenMap rendering in some cases
* OpenGL: put more shader stages in VBO to increase performance
* OpenGL: removed \r_primitives and \r_ignoreFastPath cvars
* Removed CVAR_CHEAT flag for \r_noportals cvar
* Fixed image corruption caused by bug in FixRenderCommandList()
* Fixed dynamic lighting on moving platforms
* Added two-side lighting for some surfaces
* Removed massive spam about wrong image extension in developer mode
(information about extension substitution now printed by \imagelist command)
* Various bugfixes and optimizations
* Added \cvar_trim command - to remove all user-created cvars
* Vulkan: implemented 2-pass rendering and \r_renderScale options similar to OpenGL renderer
* Vulkan: implemented screenMap keyword functionality, enabled .shaderx support
* Vulkan: improved performance and image quality in several aspects
* Fixed vertexlighting collapse
* Fixed sort order for shaders with stages mixing depthWrite and blendFunc
* Win32: set a bit higher process priority
* Updated IPDB
* Win32: slightly boost Q3A process priority
* Vulkan: added \r_ext_alpha_to_coverage - to improve quality of alpha-tested textures with enabled \r_ext_multisample
* Vulkan: fixed a few alpha-test bugs in a light fragment shader
* Vulkan: fixed \imagelist command
* Vulkan: fixed startup with old AMD drivers
* Vulkan: enable \r_vbo by default and set developer mode dependency
* Fixed defrag mod compatibility issue
* Fixed crash with remapped shaders in vertexlight mode
* Fixed vertex lighting of shaders without vertex color data
* Made \r_allowExtensions developer-protected
* Changed \r_showtris:
0 - disabled
1 - enabled only for 3D surfaces
2 - plus HUD
3 - plus console
1 and 2 might work incorrectly on case of multiple views
* More QVM optimizations
* Updated IPDB
* Added experimental vulkan renderer:
- based on KennyAlive's reference implementation
- offsers significant (50..300%) performance increase (at least on AMD hardware)
- supports r_fbo, r_vbo, multisampling, fast flares, per-pixel dynamic lighting
- currently missing bloom+reflection, screenMap comparing to opengl renderer
* Added \r_noborder support for linux
* Changed noborder drag key from CTRL to ALT to unify behavior with linux WMs
* Added SDL2 support (window,audio,mouse,joysticks) for win32/linux, selectable at compile time
* Modular renderer design (selectable at compile time)
* Changed \com_yieldCPU from 2 to 1 by default
* Implemented correct ALT-TAB handling in windows
* Less visual spam in console
* Various bugfixes
* Made \sv_pure latched to avoid side-effects after map startup
* Added \fs_excludeReference cvar - to exclude certain pk3s from download list on server side
for example: \fs_excludeReference "baseq3/pakx.pk3 modx/paky.pk3"
* Extended \logfile modes:
0 - disabled
1 - overwrite mode, buffered
2 - overwrite mode, synced
3 - append mode, buffered
4 - append mode, synced
* Fixed non-working console scrolling in fullscreen with 2+ monitors on win32
* Slightly changed "\rcon tell" appearance
* Misc. filesystem changes
* Updated ip4db
* Added client country detection code
controlled by \sv_clientTLD 0|1 cvar, default is 0
adds \\tld\\XX key to userinfo, can be used for filtering
requires external ip4db.dat database
* Added \locations client command
* Removed \com_maxfps limitations for defrag-1.91.25
* Fixed "userinfo" client command DoS
* Fixed non-working exec[q] command file completion
* Fixed client event handling regression
* Fixed shader duplication on some maps
* Improved client-side prediction
* Do not allow listing/loading autoexec.cfg/q3config.cfg from pk3 files
* Fixed weird bug with non-working mousewheel under some conditions
* Fixed non-working virtual resolution (for capture)
* Misc. renderer fixes
* Added 'novlcollapse' shader key - to bypass \r_vertexLight 1 setting
* Now using more explicit control over vertex lighting approximation to provide more predictable renderer output:
- always disable it for UI elements (this includes console shader)
- enable it only for CGame module
* Improved memory management during image loading, removed practical MAX_DRAWIMAGES/MAX_QPATH limits (conditions left only for forward compatibility)
* Implemented CTRL+Left and CTRL+Right hotkeys for in-game console to seek through words in command line
* Tab-complete cvar values and bind values
* Declare single-char bind keys for better tab-completion
* Increased MAX_EDIT_LINE to 512
* Bypass K_MWHEELUP/K_MWHEELDOWN with opened console in linux
* Removed unused K_WORLD_* keys and unused K_AUX9..K_AUX16 key definitions, reduced set of K_JOY* keys
* Removed unused \r_inGameVideo cvar from renderer modules
* Removed unused \r_uiFullScreen cvar
* Improved FreeBSD compatibility
* Fixed configstring race condition caused by previously loaded map
* Fixed redundant map downloads with \cl_mapAutoDownload 1
* Fixed non-working +button15/-button15
* Added vendor-specific exported symbols to win32 executables in hope that it will select most powerful GPU for our process in multi-GPU configurations
* Really fixed fog shader for q3dm19
* Fixed broken rendering with multiple views and opened console with FBO and MSAA enabled
* Fixed crash in renderer caused by corrupted fog data, found on `geminicastle` map
* Fixed memory leak in CL_CloseAVI()
* Reworked \status command output to draw variable-sized name and address fields
* Implemented userinfo filtering system (see docs/filter.txt):
- any userinfo key can be validated
- practically unlimited number of conditions and nested levels
- special "date" key for temporary bans
* Reverted SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES back to 1000, to enforce forward compatibility with other engines
* Renamed \sv_maxconcurrent to \sv_maxclientsPerIP and changed default from 4 to 3
* Try to use least-used client slots for new connection to preserve client ids between connections
* QVM speed improvements
* Fixed zero ping time causes empty server list
* Fixed wrong fog shader on q3dm19
* Implemented \minimize console command
* Improved OSP mod compatibility
* Accept negative \r_mapGreyScale values to apply old (lightmap-only) grey scale
* Implemented loading/saving of pk3 index data, speeds up initial filesystem startup in 10x-100x times
* Slightly reduced filesystem memory usage
* Improved zone memory manager
* Unified behavior of MWheelUp with PgUp and MWheelDown with PgDown for console scrolling
* Reworked ALSA initialization and improved compatibility with jack2 + zita-ajbridge
* Fixed error message during monitor detection via xrandr
* Fixed time wrapping causing very long reconnect delay
Renamed \r_mapGrayScale to \r_mapGreyScale, also now it is more strong
Fixed engine crash caused by mods passing erroneous data to render
Fixed non-working rconPassword2 on linux
* Fixed Defrag demo UI (works on linux now)
* Improved filesystem compatibility
* Fixed regression in filesystem code
* Fixed 'floating' console color
* Fixed OSP demo UI
* Fixed resolving optional FBO functions
* Fixed Escape key causing full client restart during cinematics
* Fixed excessive filesystem lookup with empty \fs_steampath
* Reduced memory fragmentation at filesystem startup
* Avoided bug in defrag mod (whose demo UI can't handle properly sorted directories)
* Improved file extension filtering so now defrag demo UI works (partially) on linux too
* Fixed pak reference & checksum calculation for cached pk3 files
* Implemented more correct online switching between mods
* Added \fs_restart command - to manually restart the filesystem
* Significally reduced filesystem restart time in case of thousands of pk3s installed
* Fixed client/botlib memory corruption
* Added \r_ext_supersample - SuperSample Anti-Aliasing, most resource-heavy antialiasing method, can be enabled in pair with \r_ext_multisample
* Fixed chat input position counting notify lines
* Fixed clipboard text length truncation on linux
* Corrected screenMap texture generation
* Linux console improvements
* Netcode improvements
* Fixed resource leak in botlib code
* Fixed OSP game patch
* Fixed command history buffer size
* Fixed ctrl+n and ctrl+p hotkeys with \in_forceCharset > 0
* Game configuration now saved much less frequently
* Reset console command history on game change
* Use own console command history for dedicated servers
* Fixed server crash induced by permanent rcon functionality
* ioq3: Fix client kicked as unpure when missing the latest cgame/ui pk3s
* Improved mod compatibility
* Now using \r_renderScale 0 to disable custom render resolution mode
* Allow only printable ASCII chars for cvar names
* Fixed \r_speeds 1 with enabled VBO
* Fixed black lines on dlighted surfaces with \r_showTris 1 and \r_dlightMode > 0
* ioq3: Fix uninitialized bot_goal_t fields
* ioq3: Fix possible bot goal state NULL pointer dereference
* Misc. renderer & netcode improvements
* Print up to 32 file sources in \which output
* Print developer messages with cyan color
* Increased win32' console width & height
* ioq3: Fix q3history buffer not cleared between mods and OOB-access
* ioq3: Fix the behavior of CVAR_LATCH|CVAR_CHEAT cvars
* Netcode & QVM improvements
* Fixed invalid files referenced on pure clients
* Fixed a few netcode exploits
* Fixed \sv_reconnectlimit is not always working
* Try to use persistent slot for each client after disconnect
* Print information about delay at reconnect
* Linux console imrovements
* Fixed a few bugs in client connection code
* Fixed remote server crash via rcon
* Send quoted rcon passwords when needed and parse them correctly on server-side
* Now rcon is always available on dedicated servers - so it is possible to start a map, retrieve status or recover from non-fatal error, for example
* Added rconPassword2 - hidden master rcon password that can be set only from command line, can be used to change/revoke compromised rconPassword
* Various bugfixes
* Added \cl_autoNudge - automatic time nudge that uses your average ping as the time nudge value, suggested by @iradicus, values:
0 - use fixed \cl_timeNudge
(0..1] - factor of median average ping to use as timenudge
* Added \sv_maxconcurrent - to limit number of simultaneous connections from the same IP address, default is 4
* Added \fs_locked cvar to control pk3 file handle usage policy:
0 - release after use (default from now), no pk3 file count limits
1 - keep it locked (vq3 behavior), more consistent but pk3 file count is limited to ~1-4k
* Various bugfixes and optimizations
* Win32: added \r_noborder 1 - to draw game window without border, hold CTRL to drag & drop it with opened console
* Win32: Fixed window handling
* Changed \r_neatsky to 0 by default
* Accept protocol headers (e.g. http://) in command lines and save them properly in cvars
* Try to prevent gamestate overflow on pure servers
* Various bugfixes and optimizations
* Fixed regression added with recent optimizations
* Improved DoS protection
* Slightly speedup collision detection for win64-msvc builds
* Added \r_defaultImage cvar - to replace the default (missing texture) images, can either point on external filename or specify solid color texture in (hex) formats: "#rgb" or "#rrggbb"
* Removed obsolete \com_maxfpsMinimized
* Synced \snaps with \sv_fps for localhost client
* Properly reflected \sv_fps changes for connected clients
* Reduced memory & CPU usage
* Fixed adjacent texels leaking in merged lightmaps
* ioq3: Make 'globalservers 0' fetch all masters
* Marked \sv_master[1..3] as CVAR_INIT to prevent overriding them by spoiled configuration files
* Fixed root of 14-years-old q3msgboom bug
* Misc. improvements and bugfixes
* New server-side client connection code (no more "getchallenge" flooding, reduced CPU usage)
* Removed \sv_minPing and \sv_maxPing cvars
* Changed \r_dlightScale to 0.5 by default to match VQ3'dlights radius/intensity
* Fixed grid collision geometry to be more equal in 32-bit and 64-bit modes
* Fixed non-working \reconnect in some cases
* Misc. fixes and improvements
* Added unified lightmaps, enabled by default, can be disabled by \r_mergeLightmaps 0
* Changed default \com_hunkMegs from 96 to 128 for client and from 56 to 64 for server
* Reverted condump changes
* Drop error to local client on gamestate overflow
* ioq3: Fix exploit to bypass filename restrictions on Windows
* Improved QVM memory isolation
* Improved QVM interpreter performance
* Improved cvar security
* Reduced GPU usage when minimized
* Fixed MSAA on Intel HD 530
* Fixed non-working console scrolling in windowed mode with raw input and opened console
* Fixed crash caused by \timescale 0
* Condumps now will be saved in upper level directory, not mod directory
* Added experimental "screenMap" texture support for shader stages, can be used for real-time on-hand weapon reflections
* Fixed viewport/scissor with \r_fastSky 1
* Fixed depth range for inserted dynamic lights
* Fixed wrong ping times at high uptime
* Added range checks for \sv_timeout and \sv_zombietime cvars to avoid using values that may break server functionality
* Improved server-side flood protection (\sv_floodProtect 1), might be considered as really usable now
* Removed unused \sv_showloss cvar
* Misc. bugfixes
* Faster map loading
* Do not take (blank) screenshots and print warning when minimized and FBO is not active
* Always save CPU when minimized
* Slightly optimized VBO rendering and fixed \r_showtris colors with VBO
* Added \cl_dlDirectory - to specify location to save downloads initiated by \dlmap and \downloads commands:
0 - save in current game directory
1 - save in fs_basegame (baseq3) directory
* Fixed non-working VBO in fullbright mode
* Better FPS control (client and server)
* More precise ping calculation
* Linux multimonitor improvements
* Implemented string comparisons for conditional shaders
* Fixed console messages may leak on screen with \con_notifytime 0
* Removed \username and corresponding functionality
* Botlib security fix
* Fixed missing dynamic lighting with collapsed multitexture shaders
* Win32: do not minimize/restore video mode/gamma when switching out of game window in multimonitor configurations
* Implemented \r_renderWidth and \r_renderHeight, see docs/quake3e.htm for details
* Now releasing mouse with opened console in multimonitor configurations
* Added multimonitor support for Linux, ALSA and window handling improvements
* Removed old non-FBO bloom and its variables, so only new bloom is available from now via \r_bloom:
0 - (disabled)
1 - (without hud)
2 - (with hud)
* Renamed all \r_bloom2* cvars to \r_bloom*
* Now using \timescale 0 to pause demo playback
* Removed \cl_freezeDemo as it never worked as intended
* Various bugfixes
* Backport master dns resolve timeout and dedicated \tell command support from ioq3
* Fixed precision in collision detection module (to avoid incostistency between 32 and 64-bit builds)
* Fixed stuck at "awaiting snapshot..." state when connecting to pure servers and being kicked because of unpure
* Fixed spurious "Invalid .PK3 files referenced" errors on reconnect
* Fixed dlight quality with \r_vbo 1
* Implemented correct fog fading for new dynamic lights
* Actually use only 22 and 11 cases for \s_khz
* Fix SurfIsOffscreen() with enabled VBO
* Fix non-working new dynamic lighting on some maps
* Fix VBO crash
* Another small VBO fix
* Add \r_vbo 1 - GPU-accelerated static map geometry caching, map-dependent, typically adds 5-20% FPS on modern GPUs, but even 200%+ FPS increase was observed as well as zero difference cases
* Win32: restore gamma and hide fullscreen window in case of crash
* Change [automatic] demo naming scheme from demoXXXX to demo-YYYYMMDD-HHmmSS[-NNN]
* Add \s_device cvar to specify output sound device for ALSA
* Clear key states on focus change/vid_restart in linux
* Slight bloom effect performance increase
* Fix \r_anaglyphMode rendering with \r_fbo
* Fix texture numbers generation
* Fix non-working \r_ignorehwgamma 1 with \r_fbo 1
* Use RGBA16 instead of RGBA12 textures for \r_hdr 1 - should fix errors on nvidia cards
* Fix some drivers reporting invalid preferred texture format
* Print detailed format of used FBO
* Escape always closes console
* Fix sound muted when minimized with \s_muteWhenMinimized 0
* Fix sounds leaks when muted
* Fix unfocused/minimized window state adding delays during video capture
* No more zone allocation errors, no need to tune \com_zoneMegs at all because of new multi-segment allocator
* Reduce \com_zoneMegs from 25 to 9 by default
* Fix bot routing cache growing to com_zoneMegs-1 (and potentially unlimited with new multi-segment allocator), use explicit 2MB limit which is enough even for route-heavy maps like q3dm12 with 60+ bots
* Increase MIN_DEDICATED_COMHUNKMEGS from 1 to 8 because common snapshot storage always uses 6.7MB i.e. there is no sense is smaller values
* Fix dynamic lights not working well with AMD drivers
* Add \r_hdr - use high dynamic range pixel format for framebuffers, improves visual quality
* Many bloom changes:
add \r_bloom2_passes [1..8] - number of downscaled textures used for final bloom composition
add \r_bloom2_filter_size [1..20]- number of texture lookups for blur
add \r_bloom2_intensity - scale factor applied to final bloom texture before adding to main frame
add \r_bloom2_blend_base - to select from which hi-level buffer start blending final bloom texture, default is 1 (i.e. do not blend first full-resolution intensity buffer)
add \r_bloom2_threshold_mode to specify color extraction condition:
0 - (r|g|b) >= threshold
1 - (r+g+b)/2 >= threshold
2 - luminosity(r,g,b) >= threshold
add \r_bloom2_modulate to modify extracted bloom intensity:
0 - do not modulate
1 - modulate by itself
2 - modulate by luminosity
always use hdr buffers for bloom
add \r_bloom2_reflection - bloom lens reflection effect, negative values will apply only lens effect and disable bloom
\r_bloom 3 now doesn't affect console
fix bloom intensity extractor
remove \r_bloom2_cap
* Remove old platform-dependent multisample setup code, leave only fbo version
* Allow changing \r_ext_multisample and \r_hdr on the fly (in \r_fbo 1 mode)
* Allow more than 32 surfaces in skin files
* Remove unused \r_ext_gamma_control
* Fix OpenGL 1.4 version detection
* Do light pass right before SS_UNDERWATER if possible
* Add \video-pipe command - redirect captured video stream to ffmpeg input pipe and save as mp4
you need to install ffmpeg package (on linux) or put ffmpeg binary near quake3e executable (on windows)
* Add \cl_aviPipeFormat - encoder parameters used for \video-pipe, see ffmpeg documentation for details
* Add "\screenshotBMP" command
* Add "\screenshotBMP clipboard" command - to copy screenshot in clipboard, works only in windows atm
* Add some hardcoded key binds:
PrintScreen - "\screenshotBMP clipboard"
Shift+PrintScreen - "\screenshotBMP"
* Add dedicated \r_nomip cvar instead of negative \r_picmip values to apply picmip only on worldspawn textures
as negative \r_picmip values is breaking cross-engine config compatibility
* Fix \r_greyscale validation
* Add descriptions for some renderer cvars
* Accept only HTTP(S)/FTP(S) protocols for download redirection
* Add \s_muteWhenUnfocused and \s_muteWhenMinimized cvars
* Sound muting now works during video recording
* Fix memory allocation error caused by listing large directories
* Package now shipped with baseq3a patch (baseq3/pak8a.pk3)
* Clear key states on disconnect
* Clean some server cvars on server shutdown
* Fix crash in TeamArena
* Fix main menu recorded in video after disconnect
* Fix slight sound corruption during video recording
* Fix MSVC compilation from paths that contains whitespace
* Rework cvar validation
* Range check \cl_packetdup cvar
* Detect and skip files with unsupported compression method inside pk3 archives
* Call glFinish() only if requested by r_finish
* Fix sound stutter caused by filesystem operations
* Verbose bot kick message on map change
* Filter "connect" packet length to avoid overflows in dynamic huffman decoder
* Improve overflow handling in MSG_ReadBits/MSG_WriteBits
* Warn about userinfo and pure checksums truncation on client-side
* Do not send more than MAX_PACKETLEN (1400 bytes) in single statusResponse packet
* Read sv_pure directly from systeminfo, not local cvar
* Do not set following local cvars from remote userinfo:
sv_pure, sv_serverid, sv_paks, sv_pakNames, sv_referencedPaks, sv_referencedPakNames
* ioq3: Fix friction in AAS_ClientMovementPrediction ( ground and water friction were reversed )
* Add trap_R_AddLinearLightToScene - linear light source, suitable for rail trails, lightsabers etc.
can be resolved via extension interface
* Do not issue late cull tests on modern gfx hardware or for linear lights - as CPU may bottleneck in these cases
* Fix FreeBSD compilation (partially)
* Fix some errors reported by clang' undefined behavior sanitizer
* Move \r_greyscale functionality to FBO/ARB shaders so now it requires \r_fbo 1, on other side:
- you can change \r_greyscale on the fly
- now it applies to everything including cinematics
* Parse systeminfo as big string on client side, rest of strings - as normal strings
* Add \systeminfo and \serverinfo commands on client side
* Read systeminfo and serverinfo from corresponding configstrings on server side
* Add "tcGen environment firstPerson" shader stage parameter - fixes non-working environment mapping for first-person (on-hand) models
* Increase shader loading speed
* Add complex token parser
* Add experimental conditional shader stages, see docs/quake3e.htm for details
* Experimental: unconditionally complete \callvote command and its arguments for all mods
* Print screenshot filename after executing render commands so it won't appear on screenshot itself
* Add engine extension system, remove old r_floatfix hack
* Allow multiple mirror views to be rendered
* Fix non-working depth/stencil tests for extra refdefs in \r_bloom 2 mode
* Fix crash caused by window movements during map load
* Fix stuck AltGr key
* Fix shader rotation at high level times
* Revert "Fix ^^ rendering in game console" due to mods compatibility problems
* Add \cl_mapAutoDownload - automatic map download from cl_dlURL for non-pure servers and demo playback, disabled by default
* Add \r_bloom 2 - experimental high-quality bloom, use with \r_fbo 1, parameters:
\r_bloom2_threshold - bloom filter sensitivity
\r_bloom2_cap - max.resulting bloom intensity applied to original image
* Add pk3dir feature, backported from ioq3 with some differences, works only with sv_pure 0
* Client echo/print packet security fix
* Win32: fix alt key hang
* Win32: fix AltGr+Enter hotkey on non-US layouts
* Win32: block monitor shutoff on battery
* Fix ^^ rendering in game console
* FBO-related fixes
* Add \in_forceCharset 2 - to use physical EN/US layout, this is obviously incompatible with AZERTY keyboards but useful for UK/RU layouts
* Add \r_fbo - opengl framebuffer support, partially backported from cnq3, disabled by default
- gamma correction in windowed mode
- support for screenshots/video recording with larger resolutions
- allow window minimizing during video recording
* Increase max.count of file handles in win32, needed for defrag mod
* Detect and verbose a weird opengl error under linux
* Range check \r_gamma and \r_intensity cvars
* Fix '.' translation on numpad
* Fix last-standing frameloss bug (stuck waves at very big sv.leveltime)
* Fix early print to client console
* Remove non-archive flag for \rate
* Remove \r_measureOverdraw
* MinGW compilation support
* Win32: parse and set vid_xpos and vid_ypos from command line
- for dedicated binary it will set console position
- for client binary it will set main window position
* Win32: correctly restore main window position from vid_xpos and vid_ypos in multi monitor configurations
* Disable DPI scaling on windows 10
* Rename \in_forceLayout to \in_forceCharset and perform translation only for non-ASCII chars
* Add negative \r_picmip values support - to apply picmip only on worldspawn textures
* Experimental: add CVAR_NODEFAULT flag - to avoid writing cvar into config file if its value matching reset(default) string
this will reduce config file size and will help with upgrading archive cvars that most users never changing
also it will increase cross-plaftorm config compatibility for cases where some archive cvars may have different default values on different platforms
* Add \in_forceLayout - to use EN/US keyboard layout not depending from current language settings, enabled by default
* Add vsync workaround for linux opensource drivers
* Bugfixes and network layer optimizations
* Fix digits input on numpad in numlock mode
* Fix local console history not loaded when client is connected to pure server
* Stop demo recording on first download packet to avoid recording downloaded data
* Skip download blocks parsing during demo playback
* Replace some buggy shaders on mapel4b
* Fix non-working effect colors is OSP mod
* Try to handle some non-fatal errors during shaders loading
* A bit faster shader loading
* Add support for loading .shaderx files - to add or replace any existing shader
* Add "depthFragment" shader stage parameter - to store non-transparent (with alpha >=0.85) fragments into depth buffer, very useful for sprites (cg_simpleitems)
* Do not print each loaded shader name in developer mode
* Change some client defaults:
cl_maxpackets 30 -> 60
snaps 20 -> 40
* Fix: crash caused by long filenames inside pk3 files
* Fix: demo filename truncation
* Fix: skip gamedata bounds check for dlls
* Add: unlagged input for win32 mouse
* Add: \in_lagged to simulate old behavior for win32/raw mouse
* Chg: clamp \com_yieldCPU values to [0,1]
* Chg: increase max allowed \r_displayRefresh value to 250
* Fix: switch back to old mod if downloading new mod on \connect has been failed
* Chg: use q3config_server.cfg as config file for dedicated server binaries and do not write key bindings to that as well
* Chg: increase SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES from 1000 to 1536
* Misc: reduce CPU usage on server side
Add: \r_mapGrayScale
Chg: alphabetically sort cvars for \writeconfig, will affect \cvarlist too
Fix: renderer crash on negative \r_fullscreen values
Misc: add SSE math to QVM, speed optimizations
Add: backport and use alternative huffman encoder from uberdemotools - means reduced CPU usage on server-side
Chg: avi segments naming scheme to "filename-NN.avi" instead of corrupting extension by '_' suffix
Chg: max avi file size to 4GB
Fix: black video frames with \r_faskSky 1
Fix: crash on video recording
Fix: reversed timescale during video recording
Fix: check for ZIP archive signature before writing any received data
Fix: several bugs in video recording code
Add: new snapshot system with reduced CPU/memory usage on dedicated servers
Fix: don't count \sv_timeout multiple times - so now its really works as expected
Chg: fs_game default back to "baseq3"
Fix: clearing win32 dedicated console
Fix: do not build bot snapshots every client frame on listen servers
Fix: do not crash but just discard using corrupted JTRGSEG in QVM
Fix: CVE-2017-6903, affects mostly linux builds:
- deny manipulations with ".exe", ".qvm" and ".so.[0-9]" extensions too
- Sys_LoadLibrary() now can load only known library extensions
- force dll extension during loading \r_glDriver under windows
- deny using referenced pak names that is too long
- increase some filesystem buffers to avoid possible filename truncations
Fix: QVM memory leak
Fix: UrbanTerror-4.3.2 compatibility
Fix: black screenshots at \r_fastSky 1
+ Rework screenshot code so we can take two screenshots (tga+jpg) per frame, each with different name
+ Avoid situation with multiple screenshots (of the same type) being taken during one frame - which doesn't have any sense
+ Now screenshot code doesn't use render command buffer so it will always success in case of overflow etc.
Chg: default screenshot naming scheme from shotNNNN to shot-YYYYMMDD-HHmmSS
Fix: handle client gamestate overflow
Chg: set sv_levelTimeReset default to 0
Fix: restart server every 12 hours when sv_levelTimeReset is 0
Fix: potential hang in tty_FlushIn()
Fix: much more correct suspend/resume (SIGTSTP/SIGCONT) for unix console
Add: CTRL+L hotkey support for unix console
Add: [out of source tree atm] multiview protocol and server-side demo recording
Win32: non-blocking window movements/scrolling, faster dedicated console text output
Fix: CPMA hacks
Fix: do not handle "disconnect" command when downloading with cURL
Add: allow recording demo duding demo playback
Fix: filehandle leak after reading zero-sized servercache.dat
Fix: do not add newlines to the end of cs/bcs* server commands
Fix: missing client name in debug output "Going to CS_ZOMBIE for [name]"
Chg: servercache.dat now per mod and not global for all
Misc: QVM improvements
ioq3: Don't have clients use private slots when sv_privatePassword is unset
ioq3: renderer2 fixes
Add: overwhelming CPMA hack
Fix: OSP game module crash - it will continue corrupting its own memory but not crash
Fix: gcc and clang warnings
Fix: vmprofile
Fix: \r_dlightMode 2 with \cg_shadows 2
Fix: dynamic lights on decals on q3wcp18 and other maps
Fix: use dedicated dlight set for each view so old light counting code is not buggy anymore
Fix: use explicit litsurf count check since we can't correctly handle overflows because of ".next" pointers
Fix: round up \r_ext_multisample values in win32 to match linux behavior
Fix: use dedicated dll syscall wrappers for each game module
Chg: default number of dlights - 64
Add: allow using '?' in extensions for trap_FS_GetFileList()
Fix: list all available demos that matching valid protocols (66-71)
Fix: indicate actually opened demo file instead of command line argument
Fix: color blending on some old Intel GMA's
Fix: missing dlights on q3dm4 and maybe other maps too
Fix: dlights on q3wcp17
Fix: portals now correctly works with \r_fastky 1
Chg: raize MAX_POLYS and MAX_POLYVERTS defaults to 8k and 32k respectively
Chg: \r_noportals 1 - disable only portals, 2 - mirrors + portals
Chg: scissor viewport by portal model bounds
Chg: print extension for tab-completed demos
Cgh: rename \r_dlightSpecExp to \r_dlightSpecPower and set default to 8.0
Add: \r_dlightIntensity
Add: \r_dlightSpecColor - color base for specular component
<= 0 - use current texture and modulate by abs(r_dlightSpecColor)
> 0 - use constant color with RGB components set to \r_dlightSpecColor
default is -0.25
Fix: anaglyph/stereo rendering with new dlights
Chg: Use 12 bits for refentites - fixes missing frames in stereo rendering and allows more game items to be drawed
Add: \r_dlightMode 2 - now illuminates md3 models i.e. almost everything on the map
Add: CPMA hacks
Add: sin,cos,rand to \varfunc
Fix: skybox overbright with picmip and \r_intensity > 1
Add: \varfunc <add|sub|mul|div|mov> <cvar> <value> [- or low limit] [high limit]
Remove: \inc and \dec
Add: \r_dlightMode 1 - improved dlights backported from cnq3
\r_dlightScale - for adjusting new light radius in old mods
\r_dlightSpexExp - control over specular component in new dlights
Add: multi sampling support via \r_ext_multisample
Add: \r_neatsky to force nopicmip for skyboxes
Add: \inc and \dec commands for increasing and decreasing cvar values
Chg: undefine UNICODE for win64 build
* Fix: non-working \reconnect
* Chg: r_modeFullscreen defaults to "-2"
* Add: extra r_mode entries
* Chg: undefine FORCE_DM68_EXT
* Bring back dynamic OpenGL dll loading
* Upstream ioq3 fixes
* Add \r_modeFullscreen - dedicated fullscreen mode, leave empty for old behavior, set to -2 to use desktop resolution etc.
* Add \com_affinityMask - bind application to specified CPU core(s)
* Fix win32 console update
* Fix WM_CLOSE message handling to avoid unneeded renderer errors at shutdown
* Fix \cl_shownet may print invalid entity number
* ioq3: Avoid generating client commands with zero frame_msec
* ioq3: preserve all \connect arguments for further \reconnect
* Range check valuer of \com_yieldCPU
* Fix startup flags for \vm_rtChecks
* Linux: support gamma ramps larger than 256 entries
* Never send snapshots often than client' "snaps" specifies
* Raize some client network rate limits
* Win32: set gamma only for used monitor
* Win32: track and change gamma when moving game window
* Win32: Implement \in_nograb - so now it is possible to move game window without opened console
* Fix non-working r_ignorehwgamma in linux
* Don't forget to release vidmodes on linux
* Render CPMA/CNQ3 color codes (8,9,a-z) in console
* Fix "Restarting server due to numSnapshotEntities wrapping"
* bugfixes
* backport UDP spoofing protection from ioq3
* bugfixes
* Fix win32 clipboard copy function
* Fix dlight #32 not being rendered
* Backport fast legacy (udp) downloads from ioq3
* Sync with redrerergl1 from ioq3
* Netcode & renderer bugfixes
* Fix r_picmip resetting to default value
* Add support for searching game data from Steam' Q3A installation
* Other backported ioq3 fixes
* win32: Enable ASLR security feature
* win32: don't allow to minimize when recording video
* Hadle com_maxfpsMinimized in linux
* Reset mapname after server shutdown
* Reduced CPU usage in dedicated mode
* \com_yieldCPU now specifies maximum sub-frame sleep time in milliseconds, 1 by default
* Clipboard paste support for linux client
* Negative \r_overbrightBits to force gamma in windowed mode
* Various fixes
* Remove 1000 fps lock in timedemo
* Upstream ioq3 fixes
* Backport MD4/MDR/IQM models support from ioq3
* QVM: reworked interpreter and improved x86 bytecode compiler
* ioq3: fix QVM memset and memcpy return NULL
* Fix non-working software GL in some cases under Win7/Vista
* Fix win32 dedicated console 'copy' button crash
* Don't allow to manipulate with multi-platform executables
* Add x86 QVM data read/write runtime checks
* Fix linux file creation
* Complete arguments for \video and \record commands if possible
* ioq3: Fix referencing pk3 with only qagame QVM
* Fix \condump command
* Allow listing all client demos when connected to pure server
* List only external files for condump/writeconfig
* Draw scroll start/end markers for input fields
* Fix input fields color tracking
* Fix x86 QVM
* Console fixes/improvements:
Get rid of empty lines scrolling
Ctrl+HOME now works correctly in all cases
Pageup/down and mwheelup/down now scrolls by 1 line, not 2, hold +ctrl to accelerate
* Add \cl_conColor [RRR GGG BBB AAA] - controls console background color
* Mute sounds only in minimized client window state
* More correct linux client shutdown
* Upstream ioquake3 fixes and improvements
* Use platform-dependent newlines for writing config files
* Try to use real process directory instead of just current one
* Remove hardcoded BASEGAME ("baseq3") content loading
* Remove fs_cdpath and related code
* Fix bug with reporting too many referenced paks to pure server
* QVM improvements
* ioq3: Makes cvar be flagged as VM created and unset ROM if ARCHIVE is set
* Code cleanup
* Bugfixes
* \dlmap and \download command support, see documentation
* Native 64-bit support for x86 (windows/linux)
* Another round of QVM performance/security improvements
* Link statically with OpenGL32.dll|so
* Remove 3DFX-gamma-related stuff
* Remove \r_clampToEdge
* Try to open demo file first before shutting down any client stuff
* Improved qvm file validation
* ioq3: do not require clients to have a matching qagame.qvm
* Add scrolling win32 dedicated console buffer by mouse wheel
* Fix compiler warnings
* Preserve binds by dedicated server binaries
* Fix facets overflow
* Backport recent ioq3' socket/bot AI fixes
* Filesystem layer fixes
* Code cleanup
* Some x86 QVM improvements
* Win32 multi-monitor fixes
* Another set of x86 QVM improvements
* Fix custom GL driver loading
* Many x86 QVM improvements
* Force focus for win32 decicated console input field
* Misc. fixes and improvements
* Try to resolve remote server address first before shutting down any client stuff on "connect" command
* Added win32 decicated server binary
* Reworked win32 decicated console
* Avoid adding last duplicated command in console history
* Allow resizing win32 dedicated console
* Allow setting win32 dedicated console title via con_title cvar from application shortcut
* Fix filtering duplicates in getserversResponse packets
* Add SSE3 instruction set detection and corresponding fast float-to-int conversion inside QVM
* Fix potential memory leak in host name resolution
* Set sv_master1 to master.maverickservers.com
* Add "master.ioquake3.org" as sv_master2
* Rate limit getinfo queries
* Client no longer tries to run UI_SHUTDOWN on ui vms with an unsupported API version.
* Add \r_bloom <0|1> - light bloom postprocessing effect
* Revert fast SSE2 float-to-int conversion
* Code cleanup
* Add SSE2 instruction set detection and fast SSE2 float-to-int conversion for QVM
* Use proper function for setting integer texture parameters
* Fix point contents detection in SV_AreaEntities()
* Fix mouse clipping in windowed mode (win32)
* Change: unlock \bot_thinktime cvar
* Clean-up mouse handling code
* Don't allow VMs to operate with executables
* Fix downloading 65M+ files via UDP
* Fix comments inside configs
* Fix bot AI
* Fix few bugs in sound mixing code
* Reduce probability of sound drops
* bring back Windows 2000 compatibility
* more qvm optimizations
* fs_game now is "edawn" by default so edawn.exe/ded now deprecated
(usual mod switch via menu or commandline is working as before)
* \video (motion capture) command now available
* fixed http 406 error when downloading content from some servers
* linux binaries now is glibc-2.3 compatible (suitable for deploying on old linux distributions)
* more x86-qvm improvements
* more qvm optimizations - up to 30% speedup comparing to 1.32b/c :)
* removed buggy \r_smp
* additional security checks against malicious qvms
* more correct code generation for vq3-compatible mods
* additional qvm jit-compiler optimizations (more than 10% codesize reduction for edawn + faster execution)
* max.config size increased to 64k
* fixed few potential crash cases
* additional qvm optimizations and security improvements
* Allow listing some type of files - fixes issue with in-game hud selection menu on pure servers
* Allow adding custom bots on pure servers
* improvements in x86 bytecode compiler
* added K_AUX1..K_AUX8 keys support in linux
* added \r_mode -2 - sets current video mode
* remove com_blindlyLoadDLLs - no more nasty popups
* fixed spurious client disconnects in some cases
* fixed gamma in windowed mode (win32 )
* fixed OSP mod behavior
* fixed potential crash/corruption in Q_vsnprintf function (affects even netcode)
* fixed potentilal userinfo corruption
* fixed some Vista/7 gfx issues
* fixed rate limiter
* ttycon 0 also disables console input now (linux console)
* add missing interrupt (ctrl+c) handler for linux console (means correct client/server shutdown)
* backported security fix from zlib-1.1.4
* prevent game crash due to cvar overflow exploits