#ifndef _Z64ACTOR_H_ #define _Z64ACTOR_H_ #define ACTOR_DLF_MAX 471 #define ACTOR_NUMBER_MAX 200 #define INVISIBLE_ACTOR_MAX 20 #define AM_FIELD_SIZE 0x27A0 // From z64.h struct Actor; struct GlobalContext; // From z64light.h struct LightMapper; typedef struct { f32 x, y; } Vec2f; typedef struct { f32 x, y, z; } Vec3f; typedef struct { s16 x, y, z; } Vec3s; typedef struct { s32 x, y, z; } Vec3i; typedef struct { Vec3f pos; Vec3s rot; } PosRot; // size = 0x14 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ char unk_00[0x8]; /* 0x08 */ Vec3s norm; // Normal vector /* 0x0E */ s16 dist; // Plane distance from origin } CollisionPoly; // size = 0x10 typedef void (*ActorFunc)(struct Actor*, struct GlobalContext*); typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 id; /* 0x02 */ u8 type; // Classifies actor and determines when actor will execute /* 0x03 */ u8 room; // Room instance was spawned in. If value set to FF in rom, instance does not despawn when swapping rooms /* 0x04 */ u32 flags; /* 0x08 */ s16 objectId; /* 0x0C */ u32 instanceSize; /* 0x10 */ ActorFunc init; // Constructor /* 0x14 */ ActorFunc destroy; // Destructor /* 0x18 */ ActorFunc update; // Main Update Function /* 0x1C */ ActorFunc draw; // Draw function } ActorInit; // size = 0x20 typedef enum { ALLOCTYPE_NORMAL, ALLOCTYPE_ABSOLUTE, ALLOCTYPE_PERMANENT } AllocType; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 vromStart; /* 0x04 */ u32 vromEnd; /* 0x08 */ void* vramStart; /* 0x0C */ void* vramEnd; /* 0x10 */ void* loadedRamAddr; // original name: "allocp" /* 0x14 */ ActorInit* initInfo; /* 0x18 */ char* name; /* 0x1C */ u16 allocType; /* 0x1E */ s8 nbLoaded; // original name: "clients" } ActorOverlay; // size = 0x20 typedef struct { struct { char damage : 4; char effect : 4; } attack[32]; } ActorDamageChart; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 health; /* 0x02 */ s16 unk_02; /* 0x04 */ s16 unk_04; /* 0x06 */ u8 mass; } SubActor98Init; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ ActorDamageChart* damageChart; // For actors which contain a damage chart (example: Stalfos)... /* 0x04 */ Vec3f displacement; // Amount to correct velocity (0x5C) by when colliding into a body /* 0x10 */ s16 unk_10; /* 0x12 */ s16 unk_12; /* 0x14 */ u16 unk_14; /* 0x16 */ u8 mass; // Used to compute displacement, 50 is common value, 0xFF for infinite mass/unmoveable /* 0x17 */ u8 health; /* 0x18 */ u8 damage; // Amount to decrement health by /* 0x19 */ u8 damageEffect; // Stores what effect should occur when hit by a weapon /* 0x1A */ u8 impactEffect; // Maybe? set on deku nut when deku nut collides with gossip stone /* 0x1B */ u8 unk_1B; } SubActorStruct98; // size = 0x1C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3s rot; // Current actor shape rotation /* 0x06 */ u8 unk_06; /* 0x08 */ f32 unk_08; // Model y axis offset. Represents model space units. collision mesh related /* 0x0C */ void (*shadowDrawFunc)(struct Actor*, struct LightMapper*, struct GlobalContext*); /* 0x10 */ f32 unk_10; /* 0x14 */ u8 unk_14; /* 0x15 */ u8 unk_15; } ActorShape; // size = 0x18 typedef struct Actor { /* 0x000 */ s16 id; // Actor Id /* 0x002 */ u8 type; // Actor Type. Refer to the corresponding enum for values /* 0x003 */ s8 room; // Room number the actor is part of. FF denotes that the actor won't despawn on a room change /* 0x004 */ u32 flags; // Flags used for various purposes /* 0x008 */ PosRot initPosRot; // Contains Initial Rotation when Object is Spawned /* 0x01C */ s16 params; // original name: "args_data"; Configurable variable set by an actor's spawn data /* 0x01E */ s8 objBankIndex; // original name: "bank"; Object bank index of this actor's object dependency /* 0x01F */ s8 unk_1F; /* 0x020 */ u16 soundEffect; // Plays sound effect relative to actor's location (if within range of camera?) /* 0x022 */ u16 unk_22; /* 0x024 */ PosRot posRot; // Current coordinates /* 0x038 */ PosRot posRot2; // Related to camera /* 0x04C */ f32 unk_4C; /* 0x050 */ Vec3f scale; // Sets x,y,z scaling factor. Typically, a factor of 0.01 is used for each axis /* 0x05C */ Vec3f velocity; /* 0x068 */ f32 speedXZ; // Always positive, stores how fast the actor is traveling along the XZ plane /* 0x06C */ f32 gravity; // Acceleration due to gravity; value is added to Y velocity every frame /* 0x070 */ f32 minVelocityY; // Sets the lower bounds cap on velocity along the Y axis /* 0x074 */ CollisionPoly* wallPoly; // Wall polygon an actor is touching /* 0x078 */ CollisionPoly* floorPoly; // Floor polygon an actor is over/touching /* 0x07C */ u8 wallPolySource; // Complex Poly Surface Source. 0x32 = Scene /* 0x07D */ u8 floorPolySource; // Complex Poly Surface Source. 0x32 = Scene. related to 0x80/88 /* 0x07E */ s16 unk_7E; /* 0x080 */ f32 unk_80; // Floor poly height? /* 0x084 */ f32 unk_84; /* 0x088 */ u16 bgCheckFlags; /* 0x08A */ s16 rotTowardsLinkY; // Rotation y (give item, possibly next facing dir?/face toward link?) /* 0x08C */ f32 waterSurfaceDist; /* 0x090 */ f32 xzDistanceFromLink; /* 0x094 */ f32 yDistanceFromLink; /* 0x098 */ SubActorStruct98 sub_98; /* 0x0B4 */ ActorShape shape; /* 0x0CC */ Vec3f unk_CC; // Used in Link, not Deku Babas /* 0x0D8 */ Vec3f unk_D8; // Used in Link, not Deku Babas /* 0x0E4 */ Vec3f unk_E4; // Stores result of some vector transformation involving actor xyz vector, and a matrix at Global Context + 11D60 /* 0x0F0 */ f32 unk_F0; // Related to above /* 0x0F4 */ f32 unk_F4; /* 0x0F8 */ f32 unk_F8; /* 0x0FC */ f32 unk_FC; /* 0x100 */ Vec3f pos4; // Final Coordinates last frame (collision, NTSC 1.0 f 8002F8E0) /* 0x10C */ u8 unk_10C; // Z-Target related /* 0x10D */ u8 unk_10D; // Z-Target related /* 0x10E */ u16 textId; // Text id to pass to link/display when interacting with an actor (navi text, probably others) /* 0x110 */ u16 freeze; // Used for the "Redead Freeze" attack. Also used in func_80059EC8 /* 0x112 */ u16 unk_112; // Damage color effect, first 12 bits controls color which can only be blue red and white, last 4 bits unknown, can't be 0 /* 0x114 */ u8 unk_114; // Damage color effect timer, decremented toward 0 every frame /* 0x115 */ u8 activelyDrawn; // Indicates whether the actor is currently being drawn (but not through lens). 01 for yes, 00 for no /* 0x116 */ u8 unk_116; // Set within a routine that deals with collision /* 0x117 */ u8 naviEnemyId; // Sets what 0600 dialog to display when talking to navi. Default 0xFF /* 0x118 */ struct Actor* attachedA; // Interfacing Actor? // e.g. Link holding chu, Chu instance stores ptr to Link instance here; // Anju having Link's ptr when giving an item // Volvagia Hole stores Volvagia Flying here /* 0x11C */ struct Actor* attachedB; // Attached to Actor // e.g. Link holding chu, Link instance stores ptr to Bombchu instance here /* 0x120 */ struct Actor* prev; // Previous Actor of this type /* 0x124 */ struct Actor* next; // Next Actor of this type /* 0x128 */ ActorFunc init; // Initialization Routine. Mandatory /* 0x12C */ ActorFunc destroy; // Destruction Routine /* 0x130 */ ActorFunc update; // Main Update Routine, called every frame the actor is to be updated /* 0x134 */ ActorFunc draw; // Draw Routine, writes necessary display lists /* 0x138 */ ActorOverlay* overlayEntry; // Pointer to the overlay table entry for this actor /* 0x13C */ char dbgPad[0x10]; // Padding that only exists in the debug rom /* From here on, the structure and size varies for each actor */ } Actor; // size = 0x14C typedef enum { COLTYPE_CYLINDER = 1, COLTYPE_CYLINDER_GROUP = 0, COLTYPE_QUAD = 3, COLTYPE_TRIANGLE_GROUP = 2 } ColliderType; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Actor* actor; /* 0x04 */ Actor* at; /* 0x08 */ Actor* ac; /* 0x0C */ Actor* ot; /* 0x10 */ u8 colliderFlags; /* Compared to 0x11 */ /* 0x11 */ u8 collideFlags; /* Compared to 0x10 */ /* 0x12 */ u8 maskA; /* Bitwise-and compared to 0x13 */ /* 0x13 */ u8 maskB; /* Bitwise-and compared to 0x12 */ /* 0x14 */ u8 unk_14; /* 0x15 */ u8 type; /* Cylinder Collection, Cylinder, Triangle Collection, Quad */ } Collider; // size = 0x18 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s32 flags; /* Toucher Attack Identifier Flags */ /* 0x04 */ u8 unk_04; /* 0x05 */ u8 damage; /* Damage or Stun Timer */ } ColliderTouch; // size = 0x08 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s32 flags; /* Collision Exclusion Mask */ /* 0x04 */ u8 effect; /* Damage Effect (Knockback, Fire, etc.) */ /* 0x05 */ u8 unk_05; /* 0x06 */ s16 unk_06; /* 0x08 */ s16 unk_08; /* 0x0A */ s16 unk_0A; } ColliderBump; // size = 0x0C typedef struct ColliderBody { /* 0x00 */ ColliderTouch toucher; /* 0x08 */ ColliderBump bumper; /* 0x14 */ u8 flags; /* 0x15 */ u8 toucherFlags; /* 0x16 */ u8 bumperFlags; /* 0x17 */ u8 flags2; /* 0x18 */ s32 unk_18; /* 0x1C */ struct ColliderBodyEntry* colBuf; /* 0x20 */ s32 unk_20; /* 0x24 */ struct ColliderBody* colliding; } ColliderBody; // size = 0x28 typedef struct ColliderBodyEntry { /* 0x00 */ ColliderBody c; /* 0x28 */ char unk_28[0x18]; } ColliderBodyEntry; // size = 0x40 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 bodyFlags; /* 0x01 */ u8 unk_09[0x3]; /* 000000 */ /* 0x04 */ s32 toucherMask; /* Attack Toucher Exclusion Mask */ /* 0x08 */ u8 bumperEffect; /* Damage Effect (Knockback, Fire, etc.) */ /* 0x09 */ u8 toucherDamage; /* Damage Amount or Stun Timer */ /* 0x0A */ u8 unk_12[0x2]; /* 0000 */ /* 0x0C */ s32 bumperMask; /* Bumper Exclusion Mask */ /* 0x10 */ u8 unk_18[0x4]; /* 00000000 */ /* 0x14 */ u8 toucherFlags; /* Attack Toucher Flags */ /* 0x15 */ u8 bumperFlags; /* Bumper Flags */ /* 0x16 */ u8 bodyFlags2; /* 0x17 */ u8 unk_1F; /* 00 */ } ColliderBodyInfoInner; // size = 0x1A typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 unk_00; /* 0x01 */ u8 colliderFlags; /* Collider Flags */ /* 0x02 */ u8 collideFlags; /* Collide Flags */ /* 0x03 */ u8 maskA; /* Bitwise-And with Mask B */ /* 0x04 */ u8 maskB; /* Bitwise-And with Mask A */ /* 0x05 */ u8 type; /* Collider Type */ /* 0x06 */ u8 unk_06[0x2]; /* 0000 */ } ColliderBodyInfo; // size = 0x08 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 radius; /* Cylinder Radius */ /* 0x02 */ s16 height; /* Cylinder Height */ /* 0x04 */ s16 yShift; /* Shift Cylinder on Y Axis */ /* 0x06 */ Vec3s position; /* {X, Y, Z} position of Cylinder */ } ColliderDimensions; // size = 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Collider base; /* 0x18 */ ColliderBody body; /* 0x40 */ ColliderDimensions dim; } ColliderCylinderMain; // size = 0x4C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ ColliderBodyInfo body; /* 0x06 */ ColliderBodyInfoInner inner; /* 0x20 */ ColliderDimensions dim; } ColliderCylinderInit; // size = 0x2C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Actor* actor; /* 0x04 */ char unk_04[0x10]; /* 0x14 */ Vec3f scale1; /* 0x20 */ Vec3s rot1; /* 0x28 */ Vec3f pos1; /* 0x34 */ Vec3f scale2; /* 0x40 */ Vec3s rot2; /* 0x48 */ Vec3f pos2; /* 0x54 */ char unk_54[0x10]; } ActorMesh; // size = 0x64 typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ Actor actor; /* 0x14C */ u32 dynaPolyId; /* 0x150 */ f32 unk_150; /* 0x154 */ f32 unk_154; /* 0x158 */ s16 unk_158; /* 0x15A */ u16 unk_15A; /* 0x15C */ u32 unk_15C; /* 0x160 */ u8 unk_160; } DynaPolyActor; // size = 0x164 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ Actor actor; /* 0x014C */ s8 currentTunic; /* 0x014D */ s8 currentSword; /* 0x014E */ s8 currentShield; /* 0x014F */ s8 currentBoots; /* 0x0150 */ s8 unk_150; /* 0x0151 */ s8 unk_151; /* 0x0152 */ s8 unk_152; /* 0x0153 */ s8 unk_153; /* 0x0154 */ s8 unk_154; /* 0x0155 */ char unk_155[0x008]; /* 0x015D */ u8 unk_15D; /* 0x015E */ u8 unk_15E; /* 0x015F */ u8 currentMask; /* 0x0160 */ char unk_160[0x050]; /* 0x01B0 */ u32 unk_1B0; /* 0x01B4 */ char unk_1B4[0x1F8]; /* 0x03AC */ Actor* heldActor; /* 0x03B0 */ char unk_3B0[0x084]; /* 0x0434 */ u8 getItemId; /* 0x0436 */ u16 getItemDirection; /* 0x0438 */ Actor* interactRangeActor; /* 0x043C */ s8 unk_43C; /* 0x0440 */ Actor* rideActor; /* 0x0444 */ u8 action; /* 0x0445 */ char unk_445[0x003]; /* 0x0448 */ Actor* unk_448; /* 0x0445 */ char unk_44C[0x01E]; /* 0x046A */ u16 unk_46A; /* 0x046C */ char unk_46C[0x6E]; /* 0x04DA */ s16 unk_4DA; /* 0x04DC */ char unk_4DC[0x188]; /* 0x0664 */ Actor* unk_664; /* 0x0668 */ char unk_668[0x004]; /* 0x066C */ s32 unk_66C; /* 0x0670 */ char unk_670[0x00C]; /* 0x067C */ u32 stateFlags1; /* 0x0680 */ u32 stateFlags2; /* 0x0684 */ char unk_684[0x008]; /* 0x068C */ Actor* unk_68C; /* 0x0690 */ char unk_690[0x002]; /* 0x0692 */ u8 unk_692; /* 0x0693 */ s8 exchangeItemId; /* 0x0694 */ Actor* unk_694; /* 0x0698 */ f32 unk_698; /* 0x069C */ char unk_69C[0x008]; /* 0x06A4 */ f32 unk_6A4; /* 0x06A8 */ char unk_6A8[0x5]; /* 0x06AD */ u8 unk_6AD; /* 0x06AE */ char unk_6AE[0x186]; /* 0x0834 */ s16 unk_834; /* 0x0836 */ char unk_836[0x006]; /* 0x083C */ s16 unk_83C; /* 0x083E */ char unk_83E[0x004]; /* 0x0842 */ s8 swordAnimation; /* 0x0843 */ s8 swordState; /* 0x0844 */ u8 unk_844; /* 0x0845 */ u8 unk_845; /* 0x0846 */ u8 unk_846; /* 0x0847 */ char unk_847[0x004]; /* 0x084B */ s8 unk_84B[UNK_SIZE]; /* 0x084C */ char unk_84C[0x003]; /* 0x084F */ s8 unk_84F; /* 0x0850 */ char unk_850[0x050]; /* 0x08A0 */ u8 unk_8A0; /* 0x08A1 */ u8 unk_8A1; /* 0x08A2 */ u16 unk_8A2; /* 0x08A4 */ f32 unk_8A4; /* 0x08A8 */ f32 unk_8A8; /* 0x08AC */ char unk_8AC[0x174]; /* 0x0A20 */ MtxF mf_A20; /* 0x0A60 */ char unk_A60[0x18]; /* 0x0A78 */ s8 unk_A78; /* 0x0A79 */ char unk_A79[0x1B]; } Player; //size = 0xA94 typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ ACTORTYPE_SWITCH, /* 0x01 */ ACTORTYPE_BG, /* 0x02 */ ACTORTYPE_PLAYER, /* 0x03 */ ACTORTYPE_EXPLOSIVES, /* 0x04 */ ACTORTYPE_NPC, /* 0x05 */ ACTORTYPE_ENEMY, /* 0x06 */ ACTORTYPE_PROP, /* 0x07 */ ACTORTYPE_ITEMACTION, /* 0x08 */ ACTORTYPE_MISC, /* 0x09 */ ACTORTYPE_BOSS, /* 0x0A */ ACTORTYPE_DOOR, /* 0x0B */ ACTORTYPE_CHEST } ActorType; typedef enum { /* 0x0000 */ ACTOR_PLAYER, /* 0x0001 */ ACTOR_UNSET_1, /* 0x0002 */ ACTOR_EN_TEST, /* 0x0003 */ ACTOR_UNSET_3, /* 0x0004 */ ACTOR_EN_GIRLA, /* 0x0005 */ ACTOR_UNSET_5, /* 0x0006 */ ACTOR_UNSET_6, /* 0x0007 */ ACTOR_EN_PART, /* 0x0008 */ ACTOR_EN_LIGHT, /* 0x0009 */ ACTOR_EN_DOOR, /* 0x000A */ ACTOR_EN_BOX, // Treasure Chest /* 0x000B */ ACTOR_BG_DY_YOSEIZO, /* 0x000C */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_FIREWALL, /* 0x000D */ ACTOR_EN_POH, /* 0x000E */ ACTOR_EN_OKUTA, /* 0x000F */ ACTOR_BG_YDAN_SP, /* 0x0010 */ ACTOR_EN_BOM, /* 0x0011 */ ACTOR_EN_WALLMAS, /* 0x0012 */ ACTOR_EN_DODONGO, /* 0x0013 */ ACTOR_EN_FIREFLY, /* 0x0014 */ ACTOR_EN_HORSE, /* 0x0015 */ ACTOR_EN_ITEM00, /* 0x0016 */ ACTOR_EN_ARROW, /* 0x0017 */ ACTOR_UNSET_17, /* 0x0018 */ ACTOR_EN_ELF, /* 0x0019 */ ACTOR_EN_NIW, /* 0x001A */ ACTOR_UNSET_1A, /* 0x001B */ ACTOR_EN_TITE, /* 0x001C */ ACTOR_EN_REEBA, /* 0x001D */ ACTOR_EN_PEEHAT, /* 0x001E */ ACTOR_EN_BUTTE, /* 0x001F */ ACTOR_UNSET_1F, /* 0x0020 */ ACTOR_EN_INSECT, /* 0x0021 */ ACTOR_EN_FISH, /* 0x0022 */ ACTOR_UNSET_22, /* 0x0023 */ ACTOR_EN_HOLL, /* 0x0024 */ ACTOR_EN_SCENE_CHANGE, /* 0x0025 */ ACTOR_EN_ZF, /* 0x0026 */ ACTOR_EN_HATA, /* 0x0027 */ ACTOR_BOSS_DODONGO, /* 0x0028 */ ACTOR_BOSS_GOMA, /* 0x0029 */ ACTOR_EN_ZL1, /* 0x002A */ ACTOR_EN_VIEWER, /* 0x002B */ ACTOR_EN_GOMA, /* 0x002C */ ACTOR_BG_PUSHBOX, /* 0x002D */ ACTOR_EN_BUBBLE, /* 0x002E */ ACTOR_DOOR_SHUTTER, /* 0x002F */ ACTOR_EN_DODOJR, /* 0x0030 */ ACTOR_EN_BDFIRE, /* 0x0031 */ ACTOR_UNSET_31, /* 0x0032 */ ACTOR_EN_BOOM, /* 0x0033 */ ACTOR_EN_TORCH2, /* 0x0034 */ ACTOR_EN_BILI, /* 0x0035 */ ACTOR_EN_TP, /* 0x0036 */ ACTOR_UNSET_36, /* 0x0037 */ ACTOR_EN_ST, /* 0x0038 */ ACTOR_EN_BW, /* 0x0039 */ ACTOR_EN_A_OBJ, /* 0x003A */ ACTOR_EN_EIYER, /* 0x003B */ ACTOR_EN_RIVER_SOUND, /* 0x003C */ ACTOR_EN_HORSE_NORMAL, /* 0x003D */ ACTOR_EN_OSSAN, /* 0x003E */ ACTOR_BG_TREEMOUTH, /* 0x003F */ ACTOR_BG_DODOAGO, /* 0x0040 */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_DALM, /* 0x0041 */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_HROCK, /* 0x0042 */ ACTOR_EN_HORSE_GANON, /* 0x0043 */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_ROCK, /* 0x0044 */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_RSEKIZOU, /* 0x0045 */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_SEKIZOU, /* 0x0046 */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_SIMA, /* 0x0047 */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_SYOKU, /* 0x0048 */ ACTOR_EN_XC, /* 0x0049 */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_CURTAIN, /* 0x004A */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT00_HANEBASI, /* 0x004B */ ACTOR_EN_MB, /* 0x004C */ ACTOR_EN_BOMBF, /* 0x004D */ ACTOR_EN_ZL2, /* 0x004E */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_FSLIFT, /* 0x004F */ ACTOR_EN_OE2, /* 0x0050 */ ACTOR_BG_YDAN_HASI, /* 0x0051 */ ACTOR_BG_YDAN_MARUTA, /* 0x0052 */ ACTOR_BOSS_GANONDROF, /* 0x0053 */ ACTOR_UNSET_53, /* 0x0054 */ ACTOR_EN_AM, /* 0x0055 */ ACTOR_EN_DEKUBABA, /* 0x0056 */ ACTOR_EN_M_FIRE1, /* 0x0057 */ ACTOR_EN_M_THUNDER, /* 0x0058 */ ACTOR_BG_DDAN_JD, /* 0x0059 */ ACTOR_BG_BREAKWALL, /* 0x005A */ ACTOR_EN_JJ, /* 0x005B */ ACTOR_EN_HORSE_ZELDA, /* 0x005C */ ACTOR_BG_DDAN_KD, /* 0x005D */ ACTOR_DOOR_WARP1, /* 0x005E */ ACTOR_OBJ_SYOKUDAI, /* 0x005F */ ACTOR_ITEM_B_HEART, /* 0x0060 */ ACTOR_EN_DEKUNUTS, /* 0x0061 */ ACTOR_BG_MENKURI_KAITEN, /* 0x0062 */ ACTOR_BG_MENKURI_EYE, /* 0x0063 */ ACTOR_EN_VALI, /* 0x0064 */ ACTOR_BG_MIZU_MOVEBG, /* 0x0065 */ ACTOR_BG_MIZU_WATER, /* 0x0066 */ ACTOR_ARMS_HOOK, /* 0x0067 */ ACTOR_EN_FHG, /* 0x0068 */ ACTOR_BG_MORI_HINERI, /* 0x0069 */ ACTOR_EN_BB, /* 0x006A */ ACTOR_BG_TOKI_HIKARI, /* 0x006B */ ACTOR_EN_YUKABYUN, /* 0x006C */ ACTOR_BG_TOKI_SWD, /* 0x006D */ ACTOR_EN_FHG_FIRE, /* 0x006E */ ACTOR_BG_MJIN, /* 0x006F */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_KOUSI, /* 0x0070 */ ACTOR_DOOR_TOKI, /* 0x0071 */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_HAMSTEP, /* 0x0072 */ ACTOR_EN_BIRD, /* 0x0073 */ ACTOR_UNSET_73, /* 0x0074 */ ACTOR_UNSET_74, /* 0x0075 */ ACTOR_UNSET_75, /* 0x0076 */ ACTOR_UNSET_76, /* 0x0077 */ ACTOR_EN_WOOD02, /* 0x0078 */ ACTOR_UNSET_78, /* 0x0079 */ ACTOR_UNSET_79, /* 0x007A */ ACTOR_UNSET_7A, /* 0x007B */ ACTOR_UNSET_7B, /* 0x007C */ ACTOR_EN_LIGHTBOX, /* 0x007D */ ACTOR_EN_PU_BOX, /* 0x007E */ ACTOR_UNSET_7E, /* 0x007F */ ACTOR_UNSET_7F, /* 0x0080 */ ACTOR_EN_TRAP, /* 0x0081 */ ACTOR_EN_AROW_TRAP, /* 0x0082 */ ACTOR_EN_VASE, /* 0x0083 */ ACTOR_UNSET_83, /* 0x0084 */ ACTOR_EN_TA, /* 0x0085 */ ACTOR_EN_TK, /* 0x0086 */ ACTOR_BG_MORI_BIGST, /* 0x0087 */ ACTOR_BG_MORI_ELEVATOR, /* 0x0088 */ ACTOR_BG_MORI_KAITENKABE, /* 0x0089 */ ACTOR_BG_MORI_RAKKATENJO, /* 0x008A */ ACTOR_EN_VM, /* 0x008B */ ACTOR_DEMO_EFFECT, /* 0x008C */ ACTOR_DEMO_KANKYO, /* 0x008D */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_FWBIG, /* 0x008E */ ACTOR_EN_FLOORMAS, /* 0x008F */ ACTOR_EN_HEISHI1, /* 0x0090 */ ACTOR_EN_RD, /* 0x0091 */ ACTOR_EN_PO_SISTERS, /* 0x0092 */ ACTOR_BG_HEAVY_BLOCK, /* 0x0093 */ ACTOR_BG_PO_EVENT, /* 0x0094 */ ACTOR_OBJ_MURE, /* 0x0095 */ ACTOR_EN_SW, /* 0x0096 */ ACTOR_BOSS_FD, /* 0x0097 */ ACTOR_OBJECT_KANKYO, /* 0x0098 */ ACTOR_EN_DU, /* 0x0099 */ ACTOR_EN_FD, /* 0x009A */ ACTOR_EN_HORSE_LINK_CHILD, /* 0x009B */ ACTOR_DOOR_ANA, /* 0x009C */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT02_OBJECTS, /* 0x009D */ ACTOR_BG_HAKA, /* 0x009E */ ACTOR_MAGIC_WIND, /* 0x009F */ ACTOR_MAGIC_FIRE, /* 0x00A0 */ ACTOR_UNSET_A0, /* 0x00A1 */ ACTOR_EN_RU1, /* 0x00A2 */ ACTOR_BOSS_FD2, /* 0x00A3 */ ACTOR_EN_FD_FIRE, /* 0x00A4 */ ACTOR_EN_DH, /* 0x00A5 */ ACTOR_EN_DHA, /* 0x00A6 */ ACTOR_EN_RL, /* 0x00A7 */ ACTOR_EN_ENCOUNT1, /* 0x00A8 */ ACTOR_DEMO_DU, /* 0x00A9 */ ACTOR_DEMO_IM, /* 0x00AA */ ACTOR_DEMO_TRE_LGT, /* 0x00AB */ ACTOR_EN_FW, /* 0x00AC */ ACTOR_BG_VB_SIMA, /* 0x00AD */ ACTOR_EN_VB_BALL, /* 0x00AE */ ACTOR_BG_HAKA_MEGANE, /* 0x00AF */ ACTOR_BG_HAKA_MEGANEBG, /* 0x00B0 */ ACTOR_BG_HAKA_SHIP, /* 0x00B1 */ ACTOR_BG_HAKA_SGAMI, /* 0x00B2 */ ACTOR_UNSET_B2, /* 0x00B3 */ ACTOR_EN_HEISHI2, /* 0x00B4 */ ACTOR_EN_ENCOUNT2, /* 0x00B5 */ ACTOR_EN_FIRE_ROCK, /* 0x00B6 */ ACTOR_EN_BROB, /* 0x00B7 */ ACTOR_MIR_RAY, /* 0x00B8 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT09_OBJ, /* 0x00B9 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT18_OBJ, /* 0x00BA */ ACTOR_BOSS_VA, /* 0x00BB */ ACTOR_BG_HAKA_TUBO, /* 0x00BC */ ACTOR_BG_HAKA_TRAP, /* 0x00BD */ ACTOR_BG_HAKA_HUTA, /* 0x00BE */ ACTOR_BG_HAKA_ZOU, /* 0x00BF */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT17_FUNEN, /* 0x00C0 */ ACTOR_EN_SYATEKI_ITM, /* 0x00C1 */ ACTOR_EN_SYATEKI_MAN, /* 0x00C2 */ ACTOR_EN_TANA, /* 0x00C3 */ ACTOR_EN_NB, /* 0x00C4 */ ACTOR_BOSS_MO, /* 0x00C5 */ ACTOR_EN_SB, /* 0x00C6 */ ACTOR_EN_BIGOKUTA, /* 0x00C7 */ ACTOR_EN_KAREBABA, /* 0x00C8 */ ACTOR_BG_BDAN_OBJECTS, /* 0x00C9 */ ACTOR_DEMO_SA, /* 0x00CA */ ACTOR_DEMO_GO, /* 0x00CB */ ACTOR_EN_IN, /* 0x00CC */ ACTOR_EN_TR, /* 0x00CD */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT16_BOMBSTONE, /* 0x00CE */ ACTOR_UNSET_CE, /* 0x00CF */ ACTOR_BG_HIDAN_KOWARERUKABE, /* 0x00D0 */ ACTOR_BG_BOMBWALL, /* 0x00D1 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT08_ICEBLOCK, /* 0x00D2 */ ACTOR_EN_RU2, /* 0x00D3 */ ACTOR_OBJ_DEKUJR, /* 0x00D4 */ ACTOR_BG_MIZU_UZU, /* 0x00D5 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT06_OBJECTS, /* 0x00D6 */ ACTOR_BG_ICE_OBJECTS, /* 0x00D7 */ ACTOR_BG_HAKA_WATER, /* 0x00D8 */ ACTOR_UNSET_D8, /* 0x00D9 */ ACTOR_EN_MA2, /* 0x00DA */ ACTOR_EN_BOM_CHU, /* 0x00DB */ ACTOR_EN_HORSE_GAME_CHECK, /* 0x00DC */ ACTOR_BOSS_TW, /* 0x00DD */ ACTOR_EN_RR, /* 0x00DE */ ACTOR_EN_BA, /* 0x00DF */ ACTOR_EN_BX, /* 0x00E0 */ ACTOR_EN_ANUBICE, /* 0x00E1 */ ACTOR_EN_ANUBICE_FIRE, /* 0x00E2 */ ACTOR_BG_MORI_HASHIGO, /* 0x00E3 */ ACTOR_BG_MORI_HASHIRA4, /* 0x00E4 */ ACTOR_BG_MORI_IDOMIZU, /* 0x00E5 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT16_DOUGHNUT, /* 0x00E6 */ ACTOR_BG_BDAN_SWITCH, /* 0x00E7 */ ACTOR_EN_MA1, /* 0x00E8 */ ACTOR_BOSS_GANON, /* 0x00E9 */ ACTOR_BOSS_SST, /* 0x00EA */ ACTOR_UNSET_EA, /* 0x00EB */ ACTOR_UNSET_EB, /* 0x00EC */ ACTOR_EN_NY, /* 0x00ED */ ACTOR_EN_FR, /* 0x00EE */ ACTOR_ITEM_SHIELD, /* 0x00EF */ ACTOR_BG_ICE_SHELTER, /* 0x00F0 */ ACTOR_EN_ICE_HONO, /* 0x00F1 */ ACTOR_ITEM_OCARINA, /* 0x00F2 */ ACTOR_UNSET_F2, /* 0x00F3 */ ACTOR_UNSET_F3, /* 0x00F4 */ ACTOR_MAGIC_DARK, /* 0x00F5 */ ACTOR_DEMO_6K, /* 0x00F6 */ ACTOR_EN_ANUBICE_TAG, /* 0x00F7 */ ACTOR_BG_HAKA_GATE, /* 0x00F8 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT15_SAKU, /* 0x00F9 */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_GOROIWA, /* 0x00FA */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_ZURERUKABE, /* 0x00FB */ ACTOR_UNSET_FB, /* 0x00FC */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_COBRA, /* 0x00FD */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_KANAAMI, /* 0x00FE */ ACTOR_FISHING, /* 0x00FF */ ACTOR_OBJ_OSHIHIKI, /* 0x0100 */ ACTOR_BG_GATE_SHUTTER, /* 0x0101 */ ACTOR_EFF_DUST, /* 0x0102 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT01_FUSYA, /* 0x0103 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT01_IDOHASHIRA, /* 0x0104 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT01_IDOMIZU, /* 0x0105 */ ACTOR_BG_PO_SYOKUDAI, /* 0x0106 */ ACTOR_BG_GANON_OTYUKA, /* 0x0107 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT15_RRBOX, /* 0x0108 */ ACTOR_BG_UMAJUMP, /* 0x0109 */ ACTOR_UNSET_109, /* 0x010A */ ACTOR_ARROW_FIRE, /* 0x010B */ ACTOR_ARROW_ICE, /* 0x010C */ ACTOR_ARROW_LIGHT, /* 0x010D */ ACTOR_UNSET_10D, /* 0x010E */ ACTOR_UNSET_10E, /* 0x010F */ ACTOR_ITEM_ETCETERA, /* 0x0110 */ ACTOR_OBJ_KIBAKO, /* 0x0111 */ ACTOR_OBJ_TSUBO, /* 0x0112 */ ACTOR_EN_WONDER_ITEM, /* 0x0113 */ ACTOR_EN_IK, /* 0x0114 */ ACTOR_DEMO_IK, /* 0x0115 */ ACTOR_EN_SKJ, /* 0x0116 */ ACTOR_EN_SKJNEEDLE, /* 0x0117 */ ACTOR_EN_G_SWITCH, /* 0x0118 */ ACTOR_DEMO_EXT, /* 0x0119 */ ACTOR_DEMO_SHD, /* 0x011A */ ACTOR_EN_DNS, /* 0x011B */ ACTOR_ELF_MSG, /* 0x011C */ ACTOR_EN_HONOTRAP, /* 0x011D */ ACTOR_EN_TUBO_TRAP, /* 0x011E */ ACTOR_OBJ_ICE_POLY, /* 0x011F */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT03_TAKI, /* 0x0120 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT07_TAKI, /* 0x0121 */ ACTOR_EN_FZ, /* 0x0122 */ ACTOR_EN_PO_RELAY, /* 0x0123 */ ACTOR_BG_RELAY_OBJECTS, /* 0x0124 */ ACTOR_EN_DIVING_GAME, /* 0x0125 */ ACTOR_EN_KUSA, /* 0x0126 */ ACTOR_OBJ_BEAN, /* 0x0127 */ ACTOR_OBJ_BOMBIWA, /* 0x0128 */ ACTOR_UNSET_128, /* 0x0129 */ ACTOR_UNSET_129, /* 0x012A */ ACTOR_OBJ_SWITCH, /* 0x012B */ ACTOR_OBJ_ELEVATOR, /* 0x012C */ ACTOR_OBJ_LIFT, /* 0x012D */ ACTOR_OBJ_HSBLOCK, /* 0x012E */ ACTOR_EN_OKARINA_TAG, /* 0x012F */ ACTOR_EN_YABUSAME_MARK, /* 0x0130 */ ACTOR_EN_GOROIWA, /* 0x0131 */ ACTOR_EN_EX_RUPPY, /* 0x0132 */ ACTOR_EN_TORYO, /* 0x0133 */ ACTOR_EN_DAIKU, /* 0x0134 */ ACTOR_UNSET_134, /* 0x0135 */ ACTOR_EN_NWC, /* 0x0136 */ ACTOR_EN_BLKOBJ, /* 0x0137 */ ACTOR_ITEM_INBOX, /* 0x0138 */ ACTOR_EN_GE1, /* 0x0139 */ ACTOR_OBJ_BLOCKSTOP, /* 0x013A */ ACTOR_EN_SDA, /* 0x013B */ ACTOR_EN_CLEAR_TAG, /* 0x013C */ ACTOR_EN_NIW_LADY, /* 0x013D */ ACTOR_EN_GM, /* 0x013E */ ACTOR_EN_MS, /* 0x013F */ ACTOR_EN_HS, /* 0x0140 */ ACTOR_BG_INGATE, /* 0x0141 */ ACTOR_EN_KANBAN, /* 0x0142 */ ACTOR_EN_HEISHI3, /* 0x0143 */ ACTOR_EN_SYATEKI_NIW, /* 0x0144 */ ACTOR_EN_ATTACK_NIW, /* 0x0145 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT01_IDOSOKO, /* 0x0146 */ ACTOR_EN_SA, /* 0x0147 */ ACTOR_EN_WONDER_TALK, /* 0x0148 */ ACTOR_BG_GJYO_BRIDGE, /* 0x0149 */ ACTOR_EN_DS, /* 0x014A */ ACTOR_EN_MK, /* 0x014B */ ACTOR_EN_BOM_BOWL_MAN, /* 0x014C */ ACTOR_EN_BOM_BOWL_PIT, /* 0x014D */ ACTOR_EN_OWL, /* 0x014E */ ACTOR_EN_ISHI, /* 0x014F */ ACTOR_OBJ_HANA, /* 0x0150 */ ACTOR_OBJ_LIGHTSWITCH, /* 0x0151 */ ACTOR_OBJ_MURE2, /* 0x0152 */ ACTOR_EN_GO, /* 0x0153 */ ACTOR_EN_FU, /* 0x0154 */ ACTOR_UNSET_154, /* 0x0155 */ ACTOR_EN_CHANGER, /* 0x0156 */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_MEGAMI, /* 0x0157 */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_LIFT, /* 0x0158 */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_BIGMIRROR, /* 0x0159 */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_BOMBCHUIWA, /* 0x015A */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_AMISHUTTER, /* 0x015B */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_BOMBIWA, /* 0x015C */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT18_BASKET, /* 0x015D */ ACTOR_UNSET_15D, /* 0x015E */ ACTOR_EN_GANON_ORGAN, /* 0x015F */ ACTOR_EN_SIOFUKI, /* 0x0160 */ ACTOR_EN_STREAM, /* 0x0161 */ ACTOR_UNSET_161, /* 0x0162 */ ACTOR_EN_MM, /* 0x0163 */ ACTOR_EN_KO, /* 0x0164 */ ACTOR_EN_KZ, /* 0x0165 */ ACTOR_EN_WEATHER_TAG, /* 0x0166 */ ACTOR_BG_SST_FLOOR, /* 0x0167 */ ACTOR_EN_ANI, /* 0x0168 */ ACTOR_EN_EX_ITEM, /* 0x0169 */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_IRONOBJ, /* 0x016A */ ACTOR_EN_JS, /* 0x016B */ ACTOR_EN_JSJUTAN, /* 0x016C */ ACTOR_EN_CS, /* 0x016D */ ACTOR_EN_MD, /* 0x016E */ ACTOR_EN_HY, /* 0x016F */ ACTOR_EN_GANON_MANT, /* 0x0170 */ ACTOR_EN_OKARINA_EFFECT, /* 0x0171 */ ACTOR_EN_MAG, /* 0x0172 */ ACTOR_DOOR_GERUDO, /* 0x0173 */ ACTOR_ELF_MSG2, /* 0x0174 */ ACTOR_DEMO_GT, /* 0x0175 */ ACTOR_EN_PO_FIELD, /* 0x0176 */ ACTOR_EFC_ERUPC, /* 0x0177 */ ACTOR_BG_ZG, /* 0x0178 */ ACTOR_EN_HEISHI4, /* 0x0179 */ ACTOR_EN_ZL3, /* 0x017A */ ACTOR_BOSS_GANON2, /* 0x017B */ ACTOR_EN_KAKASI, /* 0x017C */ ACTOR_EN_TAKARA_MAN, /* 0x017D */ ACTOR_OBJ_MAKEOSHIHIKI, /* 0x017E */ ACTOR_OCEFF_SPOT, /* 0x017F */ ACTOR_END_TITLE, /* 0x0180 */ ACTOR_UNSET_180, /* 0x0181 */ ACTOR_EN_TORCH, /* 0x0182 */ ACTOR_DEMO_EC, /* 0x0183 */ ACTOR_SHOT_SUN, /* 0x0184 */ ACTOR_EN_DY_EXTRA, /* 0x0185 */ ACTOR_EN_WONDER_TALK2, /* 0x0186 */ ACTOR_EN_GE2, /* 0x0187 */ ACTOR_OBJ_ROOMTIMER, /* 0x0188 */ ACTOR_EN_SSH, /* 0x0189 */ ACTOR_EN_STH, /* 0x018A */ ACTOR_OCEFF_WIPE, /* 0x018B */ ACTOR_OCEFF_STORM, /* 0x018C */ ACTOR_EN_WEIYER, /* 0x018D */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT05_SOKO, /* 0x018E */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_1FLIFT, /* 0x018F */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_HAHENIRON, /* 0x0190 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT12_GATE, /* 0x0191 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT12_SAKU, /* 0x0192 */ ACTOR_EN_HINTNUTS, /* 0x0193 */ ACTOR_EN_NUTSBALL, /* 0x0194 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT00_BREAK, /* 0x0195 */ ACTOR_EN_SHOPNUTS, /* 0x0196 */ ACTOR_EN_IT, /* 0x0197 */ ACTOR_EN_GELDB, /* 0x0198 */ ACTOR_OCEFF_WIPE2, /* 0x0199 */ ACTOR_OCEFF_WIPE3, /* 0x019A */ ACTOR_EN_NIW_GIRL, /* 0x019B */ ACTOR_EN_DOG, /* 0x019C */ ACTOR_EN_SI, /* 0x019D */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT01_OBJECTS2, /* 0x019E */ ACTOR_OBJ_COMB, /* 0x019F */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT11_BAKUDANKABE, /* 0x01A0 */ ACTOR_OBJ_KIBAKO2, /* 0x01A1 */ ACTOR_EN_DNT_DEMO, /* 0x01A2 */ ACTOR_EN_DNT_JIJI, /* 0x01A3 */ ACTOR_EN_DNT_NOMAL, /* 0x01A4 */ ACTOR_EN_GUEST, /* 0x01A5 */ ACTOR_BG_BOM_GUARD, /* 0x01A6 */ ACTOR_EN_HS2, /* 0x01A7 */ ACTOR_DEMO_KEKKAI, /* 0x01A8 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT08_BAKUDANKABE, /* 0x01A9 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT17_BAKUDANKABE, /* 0x01AA */ ACTOR_UNSET_1AA, /* 0x01AB */ ACTOR_OBJ_MURE3, /* 0x01AC */ ACTOR_EN_TG, /* 0x01AD */ ACTOR_EN_MU, /* 0x01AE */ ACTOR_EN_GO2, /* 0x01AF */ ACTOR_EN_WF, /* 0x01B0 */ ACTOR_EN_SKB, /* 0x01B1 */ ACTOR_DEMO_GJ, /* 0x01B2 */ ACTOR_DEMO_GEFF, /* 0x01B3 */ ACTOR_BG_GND_FIREMEIRO, /* 0x01B4 */ ACTOR_BG_GND_DARKMEIRO, /* 0x01B5 */ ACTOR_BG_GND_SOULMEIRO, /* 0x01B6 */ ACTOR_BG_GND_NISEKABE, /* 0x01B7 */ ACTOR_BG_GND_ICEBLOCK, /* 0x01B8 */ ACTOR_EN_GB, /* 0x01B9 */ ACTOR_EN_GS, /* 0x01BA */ ACTOR_BG_MIZU_BWALL, /* 0x01BB */ ACTOR_BG_MIZU_SHUTTER, /* 0x01BC */ ACTOR_EN_DAIKU_KAKARIKO, /* 0x01BD */ ACTOR_BG_BOWL_WALL, /* 0x01BE */ ACTOR_EN_WALL_TUBO, /* 0x01BF */ ACTOR_EN_PO_DESERT, /* 0x01C0 */ ACTOR_EN_CROW, /* 0x01C1 */ ACTOR_DOOR_KILLER, /* 0x01C2 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT11_OASIS, /* 0x01C3 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT18_FUTA, /* 0x01C4 */ ACTOR_BG_SPOT18_SHUTTER, /* 0x01C5 */ ACTOR_EN_MA3, /* 0x01C6 */ ACTOR_EN_COW, /* 0x01C7 */ ACTOR_BG_ICE_TURARA, /* 0x01C8 */ ACTOR_BG_ICE_SHUTTER, /* 0x01C9 */ ACTOR_EN_KAKASI2, /* 0x01CA */ ACTOR_EN_KAKASI3, /* 0x01CB */ ACTOR_OCEFF_WIPE4, /* 0x01CC */ ACTOR_EN_EG, /* 0x01CD */ ACTOR_BG_MENKURI_NISEKABE, /* 0x01CE */ ACTOR_EN_ZO, /* 0x01CF */ ACTOR_OBJ_MAKEKINSUTA, /* 0x01D0 */ ACTOR_EN_GE3, /* 0x01D1 */ ACTOR_OBJ_TIMEBLOCK, /* 0x01D2 */ ACTOR_OBJ_HAMISHI, /* 0x01D3 */ ACTOR_EN_ZL4, /* 0x01D4 */ ACTOR_EN_MM2, /* 0x01D5 */ ACTOR_BG_JYA_BLOCK, /* 0x01D6 */ ACTOR_OBJ_WARP2BLOCK } ActorID; #endif