import sys import os import os.path import json import math import hashlib from pathlib import Path _assetPath = None _buildRom = None _conf = None def loadJson(path): try: with open(path, 'r') as f: return json.load(f) except: raise def saveJson(path, data): try: with open(path, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) except: raise class ConfSection: def __init__(self, j): self.offset = 0 self.size = 0 try: self.offset = int(j['offset'], 16) self.size = int(j['size'], 16) except: pass class ConfRom: def __init__(self, j): try: self.UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE = int(j['UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE'], 16) except: pass try: self.FILE_TABLE_OFFSET = int(j['FILE_TABLE_OFFSET'], 16) except: pass self.hash_md5 = j['hash_md5'] self.FILE_NAMES = j['FILE_NAMES'] class ConfSections: def __init__(self): pass class Conf: def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.sections = ConfSections() j = loadJson(path) for k,v in j['sections'].items(): self.sections.__dict__[k] = ConfSection(v) self.rom = ConfRom(j['rom']) def config(): global _conf if _conf is None: _conf = Conf(romPath('config.json')) return _conf def fixSlashPath(path): return str(Path(path)) def validBuildOptions(): r = [] base = 'roms' for f in os.listdir(Path(base)): if os.path.exists(Path(base).joinpath(f).joinpath('zapd/Config.xml')): r.append(f) return r def setBuildRom(p): global _buildRom _buildRom = p def findBuildRom(): if len(validBuildOptions()) == 1: return validBuildOptions()[0] return 'EUR_MQD' def buildRom(): global _buildRom if _buildRom is not None: return _buildRom if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('incorrect usage, pass rom name') exit(0) _buildRom = sys.argv[1] return _buildRom def romPath(rom = '', root = None): if not root: root = buildRom() return fixSlashPath('roms/%s/%s' % (root, rom)) def getAssetPath(): global _assetPath _assetPath = fixSlashPath('assets/%s' % buildRom()) return _assetPath def assetPath(s = ''): return fixSlashPath('%s/%s' % (getAssetPath(), s)) def zapdBinary(): return str(Path('tools/ZAPD/ZAPD.out')) def yaz0Binary(): return str(Path('tools/yaz0')) def createDir(path): Path.mkdir(Path(path), parents=True, exist_ok = True) def mkdir(path): createDir(path) def relPath(path, sub = None): if sub is None: sub = basedir left = os.path.abspath(sub) path = os.path.abspath(path) if left.startswith(path): raise IOError('path is not under this project:\n%s\n%s' % (left, path)) r = path[len(left):] if r[0] == '/' or r[0] == '\\': return r[1:] return r def sha256_buffer(buffer): m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(buffer) return m.hexdigest() def getRomHashes(path): chunkSize = 0x100000 # 1MB headerSize = 0x1000 r = {} with open(path, 'rb') as f: buffer = r['complete'] = sha256_buffer(buffer) r['body'] = sha256_buffer(buffer[headerSize:]) r['chunks'] = [] for i in range(int(math.ceil((len(buffer) - headerSize) / chunkSize))): offset = headerSize + (i * chunkSize) r['chunks'].append(sha256_buffer(buffer[offset:offset + chunkSize])) return r def calcRomHashes(): for rom in validBuildOptions(): verified = romPath('verified', rom) configPath = romPath('config.json', rom) config = loadJson(configPath) config['sha256'] = [] if not os.path.isdir(verified): continue for path in Path(verified).rglob('*.z64'): config['sha256'].append(getRomHashes(path)) saveJson(configPath, config) basedir = Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent