from os import path import sys import io import struct import hashlib import subprocess from libyaz0 import decompress from oot import * conf = config() def cancel(): input("Press Enter To Cancel...") sys.exit(1) def as_word(b, off=0): return struct.unpack(">I", b[off:off+4])[0] def as_word_list(b): return [i[0] for i in struct.iter_unpack(">I", b)] def calc_crc(rom_data, cic_type): start = 0x1000 end = 0x101000 unsigned_long = lambda i: i & 0xFFFFFFFF rol = lambda i, b: unsigned_long(i << b) | (i >> (-b & 0x1F)) if cic_type == 6101 or cic_type == 6102: seed = 0xF8CA4DDC elif cic_type == 6103: seed = 0xA3886759 elif cic_type == 6105: seed = 0xDF26F436 elif cic_type == 6106: seed = 0x1FEA617A else: assert False , f"Unknown cic type: {cic_type}" t1 = t2 = t3 = t4 = t5 = t6 = seed for pos in range(start, end, 4): d = as_word(rom_data, pos) r = rol(d, d & 0x1F) t6d = unsigned_long(t6 + d) if t6d < t6: t4 = unsigned_long(t4 + 1) t6 = t6d t3 ^= d t5 = unsigned_long(t5 + r) if t2 > d: t2 ^= r else: t2 ^= t6 ^ d if cic_type == 6105: t1 = unsigned_long(t1 + (as_word(rom_data, 0x0750 + (pos & 0xFF)) ^ d)) else: t1 = unsigned_long(t1 + (t5 ^ d)) chksum = [0,0] if cic_type == 6103: chksum[0] = unsigned_long((t6 ^ t4) + t3) chksum[1] = unsigned_long((t5 ^ t2) + t1) elif cic_type == 6106: chksum[0] = unsigned_long((t6 * t4) + t3) chksum[1] = unsigned_long((t5 * t2) + t1) else: chksum[0] = t6 ^ t4 ^ t3 chksum[1] = t5 ^ t2 ^ t1 return struct.pack(">II", chksum[0], chksum[1]) def read_dmadata_entry(addr): return as_word_list(fileContent[addr:addr+0x10]) def read_dmadata(start): dmadata = [] addr = start entry = read_dmadata_entry(addr) i = 0 while any([e != 0 for e in entry]): # print(f"0x{addr:08X} " + str([f"{e:08X}" for e in entry])) dmadata.append(entry) addr += 0x10 i += 1 entry = read_dmadata_entry(addr) # print(f"0x{addr:08X} " + str([f"{e:08X}" for e in entry])) return dmadata def update_crc(decompressed): print("Recalculating crc...") new_crc = calc_crc(decompressed.getbuffer(), 6105) decompressed.write(new_crc) return decompressed def decompress_rom(dmadata_addr, dmadata): rom_segments = {} # vrom start : data s.t. len(data) == vrom_end - vrom_start new_dmadata = bytearray() # new dmadata: {vrom start , vrom end , vrom start , 0} decompressed = io.BytesIO(b"") for v_start, v_end, p_start, p_end in dmadata: if p_start == 0xFFFFFFFF and p_end == 0xFFFFFFFF: new_dmadata.extend(struct.pack(">IIII", v_start, v_end, p_start, p_end)) continue if p_end == 0: # uncompressed rom_segments.update({v_start : fileContent[p_start:p_start + v_end - v_start]}) else: # compressed rom_segments.update({v_start : decompress(fileContent[p_start:p_end])}) new_dmadata.extend(struct.pack(">IIII", v_start, v_end, v_start, 0)) # write rom segments to vaddrs for vrom_st,data in rom_segments.items(): decompressed.write(data) # write new dmadata decompressed.write(new_dmadata) # pad to size decompressed.write(bytearray([0])) # re-calculate crc return update_crc(decompressed) def get_str_hash(byte_array): return str(hashlib.md5(byte_array).hexdigest()) # If the baserom exists and is correct, we don't need to change anything if path.exists(romPath("baserom.z64")): with open(romPath("baserom.z64"), mode="rb") as file: fileContent = bytearray( if get_str_hash(fileContent) == "f0b7f35375f9cc8ca1b2d59d78e35405": print("Found valid baserom - exiting early") sys.exit(0) # Determine if we have a ROM file romFileExtensions = ["z64", "n64", "v64"] def find_baserom_original(): for romFileExtLower in romFileExtensions: for romFileExt in (romFileExtLower, romFileExtLower.upper()): romFileNameCandidate = romPath("baserom_original." + romFileExt) if path.exists(romFileNameCandidate): return romFileNameCandidate return None romFileName = find_baserom_original() if romFileName is None: print("Error: Could not find baserom_original.z64/baserom_original.n64/baserom_original.v64.") cancel() # Read in the original ROM print("File '" + romFileName + "' found.") with open(romFileName, mode="rb") as file: fileContent = bytearray( fileContentLen = len(fileContent) # Check if ROM needs to be byte/word swapped # Little-endian if fileContent[0] == 0x40: # Word Swap ROM print("ROM needs to be word swapped...") words = str(int(fileContentLen/4)) little_byte_format = "<" + words + "I" big_byte_format = ">" + words + "I" tmp = struct.unpack_from(little_byte_format, fileContent, 0) struct.pack_into(big_byte_format, fileContent, 0, *tmp) print("Word swapping done.") # Byte-swapped elif fileContent[0] == 0x37: # Byte Swap ROM print("ROM needs to be byte swapped...") halfwords = str(int(fileContentLen/2)) little_byte_format = "<" + halfwords + "H" big_byte_format = ">" + halfwords + "H" tmp = struct.unpack_from(little_byte_format, fileContent, 0) struct.pack_into(big_byte_format, fileContent, 0, *tmp) print("Byte swapping done.") if conf.rom.FILE_TABLE_OFFSET: FILE_TABLE_OFFSET = conf.rom.FILE_TABLE_OFFSET if any([b != 0 for b in fileContent[FILE_TABLE_OFFSET + 0x9C:FILE_TABLE_OFFSET + 0x9C + 0x4]]): print("Decompressing rom...") fileContent = decompress_rom(FILE_TABLE_OFFSET, read_dmadata(FILE_TABLE_OFFSET)).getbuffer() # Check to see if the ROM is a "vanilla" Debug ROM str_hash = get_str_hash(bytearray(fileContent)) if str_hash != conf.rom.hash_md5: print("Error: Expected a hash of %s but got %s. The baserom has probably been tampered, find a new one" % (conf.rom.hash_md5, str_hash)) cancel() # Write out our new ROM print("Writing new ROM 'baserom.z64'.") with open(romPath("baserom.z64"), mode="wb") as file: file.write(bytes(fileContent)) print("Done!")