mirror of https://github.com/blawar/ooot.git synced 2024-07-04 18:13:37 +00:00
2022-01-31 19:05:17 -05:00

87 lines
2.8 KiB

class Section:
def __init__(self, name, offset, sz, elementSize = 8):
self.name = name
self.offset = offset
self.sz = sz
self.elementSize = elementSize
def serialize(self, f, z64):
if self.getSize() == self.getElementSize():
f.write('u%d %s = ' % (self.getElementSize() * 8, self.name))
buffer = z64.read(self.getElementSize())
n = int.from_bytes(buffer, "big")
f.write(('0x%%%d.%dX' % (self.getElementSize() * 2, self.getElementSize() * 2)) % (n))
f.write('u%d %s[0x%X] = {' % (self.getElementSize() * 8, self.name, self.getSize()))
lst = []
while z64.tell() < self.offset + self.sz:
buffer = z64.read(self.getElementSize())
n = int.from_bytes(buffer, "big")
lst.append(('0x%%%d.%dX' % (self.getElementSize() * 2, self.getElementSize() * 2)) % (n))
#f.write(('0x%%%d.%dX, ' % (self.getElementSize() * 2, self.getElementSize() * 2)) % (n))
f.write(', '.join(lst))
def getSize(self):
return int(self.sz / self.getElementSize())
def getElementSize(self):
return self.elementSize
sections = {'src/port/rsp.c': [
Section('gSoundFontTable', 0xBCC270, 0x270, 1),
Section('gSequenceFontTable', 0xBCC4E0, 0x1C0, 1),
Section('gSequenceTable', 0xBCC6A0, 0x6F0, 1),
Section('gSampleBankTable', 0xBCCD90, 0x80, 1),
Section('rspAspMainDataStart', 0xBCCE10, 0x2E0),
Section('D_80155F50', 0xBCD0F0, 0x1630, 1),
Section('D_80157580', 0xBCE720, 0x420, 1),
Section('D_801579A0', 0xBCEB40, 0x390, 1),
Section('gJpegUCodeData', 0xBCEED0, 0x60),
Section('D_801120C0', 0xB89260, 0xFB0, 8),
Section('D_80113070', 0xB8A210, 0x18C0, 1),
Section('gJpegUCode', 0xB8BAD0, 0xAF0, 8)
'src/port/rsp_boot.c': [
Section('D_80009320', 0x9F20, 0xD0, 1),
Section('D_800093F0', 0x9FF0, 0x20, 1)
'src/port/code_800F9280.c': [
Section('sSeqCmdWrPos', 0xBAA5A0, 0x4, 1),
Section('sSeqCmdRdPos', 0xBAA5A4, 0x4, 1),
Section('D_80133408', 0xBAA5A8, 0x1, 1),
Section('D_8013340C', 0xBAA5AC, 0x1, 1),
Section('D_80133410', 0xBAA5B0, 0x4, 1),
Section('gAudioSpecId', 0xBAA5B4, 0x1, 1),
Section('D_80133418', 0xBAA5B8, 0x1, 1),
Section('D_80133420', 0xBAA5C0, 0x48),
Section('D_80133468', 0xBAA608, 0x48),
Section('D_801334B0', 0xBAA650, 0x90),
Section('D_80133540', 0xBAA6E0, 0x48),
Section('D_80133588', 0xBAA728, 0x48),
Section('D_801335D0', 0xBAA770, 0x48),
Section('D_80133618', 0xBAA7B8, 0x48),
Section('D_80133660', 0xBAA800, 0x48),
Section('D_801336A8', 0xBAA848, 0x48),
Section('D_801336F0', 0xBAA890, 0x48),
Section('D_80133738', 0xBAA8D8, 0x90)
with open('baserom.z64', 'rb') as z64:
for filename, s in sections.items():
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write('#include "global.h"\n\n')
for section in s:
section.serialize(f, z64)