mirror of https://github.com/blawar/GLideN64.git synced 2024-07-07 03:13:49 +00:00
2015-05-13 10:15:39 +06:00

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#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
#include "Types.h"
struct Config
u32 version;
u32 fullscreen;
u32 fullscreenWidth, fullscreenHeight, windowedWidth, windowedHeight;
u32 fullscreenBits, fullscreenRefresh;
u32 multisampling, verticalSync;
u32 aspect; // 0: stretch ; 1: 4/3 ; 2: 16/9
} video;
u32 maxAnisotropy;
u32 textureBitDepth;
u32 forceBilinear;
u32 pow2;
u32 maxBytes;
} texture;
u32 txFilterMode; // Texture filtering mode, eg Sharpen
u32 txEnhancementMode; // Texture enhancement mode, eg 2xSAI
u32 txFilterCompression; // Apply texture compression to filtered textures
//u32 txTileTextures; // Split enchanced textures onto tiles with 256 width. Not used.
u32 txFilterForce16bpp; // Force use 16bit color textures
u32 txFilterIgnoreBG; // Do not apply filtering to backgrounds textures
u32 txCacheSize; // Cache size in Mbytes
u32 txFilterCacheCompression; // Zip cache of filtered textures
u32 txSaveCache; // Save texture cache to hard disk
u32 txHiresEnable; // Use high-resolution texture packs
u32 txHiresCompression; // Apply texture compression to high-res textures
//u32 txTileHiresTextures; // Split hires textures onto tiles with 256 width. Not used.
u32 txHiresForce16bpp; // Force use 16bit color textures
u32 txHiresFullAlphaChannel; // Use alpha channel fully
u32 txHresAltCRC; // Use alternative method of paletted textures CRC calculation
u32 txHiresCacheCompression; // Zip cache of hires textures
u32 txDump; // Dump textures
} textureFilter;
struct {
u32 enable;
u32 copyToRDRAM;
u32 copyDepthToRDRAM;
u32 copyFromRDRAM;
u32 ignoreCFB;
u32 N64DepthCompare;
} frameBufferEmulation;
u32 enableFog;
u32 enableNoise;
u32 enableLOD;
u32 enableHWLighting;
u32 hacks;
#define hack_Ogre64 (1<<0) //Ogre Battle 64
extern Config config;
void Config_LoadConfig();
void Config_DoConfig(HWND hParent);
#endif // CONFIG_H