mirror of https://github.com/blawar/GLideN64.git synced 2024-07-07 03:13:49 +00:00
2015-06-17 16:02:06 +06:00

497 lines
8.5 KiB

#ifndef CONVERT_H
#define CONVERT_H
#include "Types.h"
const volatile unsigned char Five2Eight[32] =
0, // 00000 = 00000000
8, // 00001 = 00001000
16, // 00010 = 00010000
25, // 00011 = 00011001
33, // 00100 = 00100001
41, // 00101 = 00101001
49, // 00110 = 00110001
58, // 00111 = 00111010
66, // 01000 = 01000010
74, // 01001 = 01001010
82, // 01010 = 01010010
90, // 01011 = 01011010
99, // 01100 = 01100011
107, // 01101 = 01101011
115, // 01110 = 01110011
123, // 01111 = 01111011
132, // 10000 = 10000100
140, // 10001 = 10001100
148, // 10010 = 10010100
156, // 10011 = 10011100
165, // 10100 = 10100101
173, // 10101 = 10101101
181, // 10110 = 10110101
189, // 10111 = 10111101
197, // 11000 = 11000101
206, // 11001 = 11001110
214, // 11010 = 11010110
222, // 11011 = 11011110
230, // 11100 = 11100110
239, // 11101 = 11101111
247, // 11110 = 11110111
255 // 11111 = 11111111
const volatile unsigned char Four2Eight[16] =
0, // 0000 = 00000000
17, // 0001 = 00010001
34, // 0010 = 00100010
51, // 0011 = 00110011
68, // 0100 = 01000100
85, // 0101 = 01010101
102, // 0110 = 01100110
119, // 0111 = 01110111
136, // 1000 = 10001000
153, // 1001 = 10011001
170, // 1010 = 10101010
187, // 1011 = 10111011
204, // 1100 = 11001100
221, // 1101 = 11011101
238, // 1110 = 11101110
255 // 1111 = 11111111
const volatile unsigned char Three2Four[8] =
0, // 000 = 0000
2, // 001 = 0010
4, // 010 = 0100
6, // 011 = 0110
9, // 100 = 1001
11, // 101 = 1011
13, // 110 = 1101
15, // 111 = 1111
const volatile unsigned char Three2Eight[8] =
0, // 000 = 00000000
36, // 001 = 00100100
73, // 010 = 01001001
109, // 011 = 01101101
146, // 100 = 10010010
182, // 101 = 10110110
219, // 110 = 11011011
255, // 111 = 11111111
const volatile unsigned char Two2Eight[4] =
0, // 00 = 00000000
85, // 01 = 01010101
170, // 10 = 10101010
255 // 11 = 11111111
const volatile unsigned char One2Four[2] =
0, // 0 = 0000
15, // 1 = 1111
const volatile unsigned char One2Eight[2] =
0, // 0 = 00000000
255, // 1 = 11111111
static inline void UnswapCopyWrap(const u8 *src, u32 srcIdx, u8 *dest, u32 destIdx, u32 destMask, u32 numBytes)
// copy leading bytes
u32 leadingBytes = srcIdx & 3;
if (leadingBytes != 0) {
leadingBytes = 4 - leadingBytes;
if ((u32)leadingBytes > numBytes)
leadingBytes = numBytes;
numBytes -= leadingBytes;
srcIdx ^= 3;
for (int i = 0; i < leadingBytes; i++) {
dest[destIdx&destMask] = src[srcIdx];
srcIdx += 5;
// copy dwords
int numDWords = numBytes >> 2;
while (numDWords--) {
dest[(destIdx + 3) & destMask] = src[srcIdx++];
dest[(destIdx + 2) & destMask] = src[srcIdx++];
dest[(destIdx + 1) & destMask] = src[srcIdx++];
dest[(destIdx + 0) & destMask] = src[srcIdx++];
destIdx += 4;
// copy trailing bytes
int trailingBytes = numBytes & 3;
if (trailingBytes) {
srcIdx ^= 3;
for (int i = 0; i < trailingBytes; i++) {
dest[destIdx&destMask] = src[srcIdx];
static inline void DWordInterleaveWrap(u32 *src, u32 srcIdx, u32 srcMask, u32 numQWords)
u32 tmp;
while (numQWords--) {
tmp = src[srcIdx & srcMask];
src[srcIdx & srcMask] = src[(srcIdx + 1) & srcMask];
src[srcIdx & srcMask] = tmp;
inline u16 swapword( u16 value )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov ax, word ptr [value]
xchg ah, al
#else // WIN32_ASM
#ifdef ARM_ASM
asm("rev16 %0, %0" : "+r"(value)::);
return value;
return (value << 8) | (value >> 8);
#endif // ARM_ASM
#endif // WIN32_ASM
inline u16 RGBA8888_RGBA4444( u32 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov ebx, dword ptr [color]
// R
and bl, 0F0h
mov ah, bl
// G
shr bh, 4
or ah, bh
bswap ebx
// B
and bh, 0F0h
mov al, bh
// A
shr bl, 4
or al, bl
#else // WIN32_ASM
return ((color & 0x000000f0) << 8) | // r
((color & 0x0000f000) >> 4) | // g
((color & 0x00f00000) >> 16) | // b
((color & 0xf0000000) >> 28); // a
#endif // WIN32_ASM
inline u32 RGBA5551_RGBA8888( u16 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov ebx, 00000000h
mov cx, word ptr [color]
xchg cl, ch
mov bx, cx
and bx, 01h
mov al, byte ptr [One2Eight+ebx]
mov bx, cx
shr bx, 01h
and bx, 1Fh
mov ah, byte ptr [Five2Eight+ebx]
bswap eax
mov bx, cx
shr bx, 06h
and bx, 1Fh
mov ah, byte ptr [Five2Eight+ebx]
mov bx, cx
shr bx, 0Bh
and bx, 1Fh
mov al, byte ptr [Five2Eight+ebx]
#else // WIN32_ASM
color = swapword( color );
u8 r, g, b, a;
r = Five2Eight[color >> 11];
g = Five2Eight[(color >> 6) & 0x001f];
b = Five2Eight[(color >> 1) & 0x001f];
a = One2Eight [(color ) & 0x0001];
return (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;
#endif // WIN32_ASM
// Just swaps the word
inline u16 RGBA5551_RGBA5551( u16 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov ax, word ptr [color]
xchg ah, al
#else // WIN32_ASM
return swapword( color );
#endif // WIN32_ASM
inline u32 IA88_RGBA8888( u16 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov cx, word ptr [color]
mov al, ch
mov ah, cl
bswap eax
mov ah, cl
mov al, cl
#else // WIN32_ASM
// ok
u8 a = color >> 8;
u8 i = color & 0x00FF;
return (a << 24) | (i << 16) | (i << 8) | i;
#endif // WIN32_ASM
inline u16 IA88_RGBA4444( u16 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov cx, word ptr [color]
shr cl, 4
mov ah, cl
shl cl, 4
or ah, cl
mov al, cl
shr ch, 4
or al, ch
#else // WIN32_ASM
u8 i = color >> 12;
u8 a = (color >> 4) & 0x000F;
return (i << 12) | (i << 8) | (i << 4) | a;
#endif // WIN32_ASM
inline u16 IA44_RGBA4444( u8 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov cl, byte ptr [color]
mov al, cl
shr cl, 4
mov ah, cl
shl cl, 4
or ah, cl
#else // WIN32_ASM
return ((color & 0xf0) << 8) | ((color & 0xf0) << 4) | (color);
#endif // WIN32_ASM
inline u32 IA44_RGBA8888( u8 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov ebx, 00000000h
mov cl, byte ptr [color]
mov bl, cl
shr bl, 04h
mov ch, byte ptr [Four2Eight+ebx]
mov bl, cl
and bl, 0Fh
mov cl, byte ptr [Four2Eight+ebx]
mov al, cl
mov ah, ch
bswap eax
mov ah, ch
mov al, ch
#else // WIN32_ASM
u8 i = Four2Eight[color >> 4];
u8 a = Four2Eight[color & 0x0F];
return (a << 24) | (i << 16) | (i << 8) | i;
#endif // WIN32_ASM
inline u16 IA31_RGBA4444( u8 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov ebx, 00000000h
mov cl, byte ptr [color]
mov bl, cl
shr bl, 01h
mov ch, byte ptr [Three2Four+ebx]
mov ah, ch
shl ch, 4
or ah, ch
mov al, ch
mov bl, cl
and bl, 01h
mov ch, byte ptr [One2Four+ebx]
or al, ch
#else // WIN32_ASM
u8 i = Three2Four[color >> 1];
u8 a = One2Four[color & 0x01];
return (i << 12) | (i << 8) | (i << 4) | a;
#endif // WIN32_ASM
inline u32 IA31_RGBA8888( u8 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov ebx, 00000000h
mov cl, byte ptr [color]
mov bl, cl
shr bl, 01h
mov ch, byte ptr [Three2Eight+ebx]
mov bl, cl
and bl, 01h
mov cl, byte ptr [One2Eight+ebx]
mov al, cl
mov ah, ch
bswap eax
mov ah, ch
mov al, ch
#else // WIN32_ASM
u8 i = Three2Eight[color >> 1];
u8 a = One2Eight[color & 0x01];
return (i << 24) | (i << 16) | (i << 8) | a;
#endif // WIN32_ASM
inline u16 I8_RGBA4444( u8 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov cl, byte ptr [color]
shr cl, 4
mov al, cl
shl cl, 4
or al, cl
mov ah, al
#else // WIN32_ASM
u8 c = color >> 4;
return (c << 12) | (c << 8) | (c << 4) | c;
#endif // WIN32_ASM
inline u32 I8_RGBA8888( u8 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov cl, byte ptr [color]
mov al, cl
mov ah, cl
bswap eax
mov ah, cl
mov al, cl
#else // WIN32_ASM
return (color << 24) | (color << 16) | (color << 8) | color;
#endif // WIN32_ASM
inline u16 I4_RGBA4444( u8 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov cl, byte ptr [color]
mov al, cl
shl cl, 4
or al, cl
mov ah, al
#else // WIN32_ASM
u16 ret = color & 0x0f;
ret |= ret << 4;
ret |= ret << 8;
return ret;
#endif // WIN32_ASM
inline u32 I4_RGBA8888( u8 color )
#ifdef WIN32_ASM
mov ebx, 00000000h
mov bl, byte ptr [color]
mov cl, byte ptr [Four2Eight+ebx]
mov al, cl
mov ah, cl
bswap eax
mov ah, cl
mov al, cl
#else // WIN32_ASM
u8 c = Four2Eight[color];
c |= c << 4;
return (c << 24) | (c << 16) | (c << 8) | c;
#endif // WIN32_ASM
#endif // CONVERT_H