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#pragma once
#include <math.h>
#include "framerate.h"
#include "ultra64/types.h"
#include "globalctx.h"
#define VEC_SET(V, X, Y, Z) \
(V).x = (X); \
(V).y = (Y); \
(V).z = (Z)
enum MatrixMode
MTXMODE_NEW, // generates a new matrix
MTXMODE_APPLY // applies transformation to the current matrix
struct Vec2f
f32 x, y;
}; // size = 0x08
struct Vec3f
f32 x, y, z;
}; // size = 0x0C
struct Vec3us
u16 x, y, z;
}; // size = 0x06
struct Vec3s
s16 x, y, z;
}; // size = 0x06
struct Vec3i
s32 x, y, z;
}; // size = 0x0C
struct VecRot
VecRot(const Rotation& x, const Rotation& y, const Rotation& z);
VecRot(const VecRot& vec);
VecRot(const Vec3s& vec);
VecRot(const Vec3f& vec);
operator Vec3s() const;
operator Vec3f() const;
Rotation x, y, z;
typedef VecRot VecPos;
struct Sphere16
Vec3s center;
s16 radius;
}; // size = 0x08
struct Spheref
Vec3f center;
f32 radius;
}; // size = 0x10
struct Plane
Vec3f normal;
f32 originDist;
}; // size = 0x10
struct TriNorm
Vec3f vtx[3];
Plane plane;
}; // size = 0x34
struct Cylinder16
/* 0x0000 */ s16 radius;
/* 0x0002 */ s16 height;
/* 0x0004 */ s16 yShift;
/* 0x0006 */ Vec3s pos;
}; // size = 0x0C
struct Cylinderf
/* 0x00 */ f32 radius;
/* 0x04 */ f32 height;
/* 0x08 */ f32 yShift;
/* 0x0C */ Vec3f pos;
}; // size = 0x18
struct InfiniteLine
/* 0x0000 */ Vec3f point;
/* 0x000C */ Vec3f dir;
}; // size = 0x18
struct Linef
/* 0x0000 */ Vec3f a;
/* 0x000C */ Vec3f b;
}; // size = 0x18
// Defines a point in the spherical coordinate system
struct VecSph
/* 0x00 */ f32 r; // radius
/* 0x04 */ s16 pitch; // polar (zenith) angle
/* 0x06 */ s16 yaw; // azimuthal angle
}; // size = 0x08
struct PosRot
Vec3f pos;
VecRot rot;
}; // size = 0x14
#define LERP(x, y, scale) (((y) - (x)) * (scale) + (x))
#define LERP32(x, y, scale) ((s32)(((y) - (x)) * (scale)) + (x))
#define LERP16(x, y, scale) ((s16)(((y) - (x)) * (scale)) + (x))
#define F32_LERP(v0, v1, t) ((v0) * (1.0f - (t)) + (v1) * (t))
#define F32_LERPIMP(v0, v1, t) (v0 + ((v1 - v0) * t))
#define F32_LERPIMPINV(v0, v1, t) ((v0) + (((v1) - (v0)) / (t)))
#define BINANG_LERPIMP(v0, v1, t) ((v0) + (s16)(BINANG_SUB((v1), (v0)) * (t)))
#define BINANG_LERPIMPINV(v0, v1, t) ((v0) + BINANG_SUB((v1), (v0)) / (t))
#define VEC3F_LERPIMPDST(dst, v0, v1, t) \
{ \
(dst)->x = (v0)->x + (((v1)->x - (v0)->x) * t); \
(dst)->y = (v0)->y + (((v1)->y - (v0)->y) * t); \
(dst)->z = (v0)->z + (((v1)->z - (v0)->z) * t); \
#define IS_ZERO(f) (fabsf(f) < 0.008f)
// Trig macros
#define DEGF_TO_BINANG(degreesf) (s16)(degreesf * 182.04167f + .5f)
#define RADF_TO_BINANG(radf) (s16)(radf * (32768.0f / M_PI))
#define RADF_TO_DEGF(radf) (radf * (180.0f / M_PI))
#define DEGF_TO_RADF(degf) (degf * (M_PI / 180.0f))
#define BINANG_ROT180(angle) ((s16)(angle - 0x7FFF))
#define BINANG_SUB(a, b) ((s16)(a - b))
#define DEG_TO_RAD(degrees) ((degrees) * (M_PI / 180.0f))
#define BINANG_TO_DEGF(binang) ((f32)binang * (360.0001525f / 65535.0f))
#define BINANG_TO_RAD(binang) (((f32)binang / 32768.0f) * M_PI)
// Vector macros
#define SQXZ(vec) ((vec.x) * (vec.x) + (vec.z) * (vec.z))
#define DOTXZ(vec1, vec2) ((vec1.x) * (vec2.x) + (vec1.z) * (vec2.z))
#define SQXYZ(vec) ((vec.x) * (vec.x) + (vec.y) * (vec.y) + (vec.z) * (vec.z))
#define DOTXYZ(vec1, vec2) ((vec1.x) * (vec2.x) + (vec1.y) * (vec2.y) + (vec1.z) * (vec2.z))
extern Mtx gMtxClear;
extern MtxF gMtxFClear;