mirror of https://github.com/blawar/ooot.git synced 2024-07-02 09:03:36 +00:00
Blake Warner 450c832bdc save
2022-03-02 19:49:37 -05:00

1270 lines
36 KiB

#pragma once
#include "ultra64/pi.h"
#include "ultra64/sptask.h"
#include "z64math.h"
#include "porting_defs.h"
#define MK_CMD(b0,b1,b2,b3) ((((b0) & 0xFF) << 0x18) | (((b1) & 0xFF) << 0x10) | (((b2) & 0xFF) << 0x8) | (((b3) & 0xFF) << 0))
#define NO_LAYER ((SequenceLayer*)(-1))
#define TATUMS_PER_BEAT 48
#define IS_SEQUENCE_CHANNEL_VALID(ptr) ((uintptr_t)(ptr) != (uintptr_t)&gAudioContext.sequenceChannelNone)
#define ADSR_DISABLE 0
#define ADSR_HANG -1
#define ADSR_GOTO -2
#define ADSR_RESTART -3
#define AIBUF_LEN 0x580
union Acmd;
enum AdsrStatus {
enum SampleMedium {
/* 0 */ MEDIUM_RAM,
/* 1 */ MEDIUM_UNK,
/* 2 */ MEDIUM_CART,
enum SampleCodec {
/* 0 */ CODEC_ADPCM,
/* 1 */ CODEC_S8,
/* 5 */ CODEC_S16
enum SampleBankTableType {
/* 1 */ FONT_TABLE,
enum AudioCacheType {
typedef s32 (*DmaHandler)(struct OSPiHandle* handle, struct OSIoMesg* mb, s32 direction);
struct Note;
struct NotePool;
struct SequenceChannel;
struct SequenceLayer;
typedef struct AudioListItem {
// A node in a circularly linked list. Each node is either a head or an item:
// - Items can be either detached (prev = NULL), or attached to a list.
// 'value' points to something of interest.
// - List heads are always attached; if a list is empty, its head points
// to itself. 'count' contains the size of the list.
// If the list holds notes, 'pool' points back to the pool where it lives.
// Otherwise, that member is NULL.
/* 0x00 */ struct AudioListItem* prev;
/* 0x04 */ struct AudioListItem* next;
/* 0x08 */ union {
void* value; // either Note* or SequenceLayer*
s32 count;
} u;
/* 0x0C */ struct NotePool* pool;
} AudioListItem; // size = 0x10
struct NotePool {
/* 0x00 */ AudioListItem disabled;
/* 0x10 */ AudioListItem decaying;
/* 0x20 */ AudioListItem releasing;
/* 0x30 */ AudioListItem active;
// Pitch sliding by up to one octave in the positive direction. Negative
// direction is "supported" by setting extent to be negative. The code
// exterpolates exponentially in the wrong direction in that case, but that
// doesn't prevent seqplayer from doing it, AFAICT.
struct Portamento {
/* 0x00 */ u8 mode; // bit 0x80 denotes something; the rest are an index 0-5
/* 0x02 */ u16 cur;
/* 0x04 */ u16 speed;
/* 0x08 */ f32 extent;
}; // size = 0xC
struct AdsrEnvelope {
AdsrEnvelope() : delay(0), arg(0)
AdsrEnvelope(s16 _delay, s16 _arg) : delay(_delay), arg(_arg)
/* 0x0 */ s16be delay;
/* 0x2 */ s16be arg;
}; // size = 0x4
struct AdpcmLoop {
/* 0x00 */ u32 start;
/* 0x04 */ u32 end;
/* 0x08 */ u32 count;
/* 0x0C */ char unk_0C[0x4];
/* 0x10 */ s16 state[16]; // only exists if count != 0. 8-byte aligned
}; // size = 0x30 (or 0x10)
struct AdpcmBook {
/* 0x00 */ s32 order;
/* 0x04 */ s32 npredictors;
/* 0x08 */ s16 book[1]; // size 8 * order * npredictors. 8-byte aligned
}; // size >= 0x8
struct SoundFontSample {
u32 size : 24;
u32 unk_bit25 : 1;
u32 unk_bit26 : 1;
u32 medium : 2;
u32 codec : 4;
u32 codec : 4;
u32 medium : 2;
u32 unk_bit26 : 1;
u32 unk_bit25 : 1;
u32 size : 24;
/* 0x04 */ u8* sampleAddr;
/* 0x08 */ AdpcmLoop* loop;
/* 0x0C */ AdpcmBook* book;
}; // size = 0x10
static_assert(sizeof(SoundFontSample) == 0x10, "SoundFontSample incorrect size");
struct SoundFontSound {
/* 0x00 */ SoundFontSample* sample;
/* 0x04 */ f32 tuning; // frequency scale factor
}; // size = 0x8
enum AudioCacheLoadType {
struct ReverbRingBufferItem {
/* 0x00 */ s16 numSamplesAfterDownsampling; // never read
/* 0x02 */ s16 chunkLen; // never read
/* 0x04 */ s16* toDownsampleLeft;
/* 0x08 */ s16* toDownsampleRight; // data pointed to by left and right are adjacent in memory
/* 0x0C */ s32 startPos; // start pos in ring buffer
/* 0x10 */ s16 lengthA; // first length in ring buffer (from startPos, at most until end)
/* 0x12 */ s16 lengthB; // second length in ring buffer (from pos 0)
/* 0x14 */ u16 unk_14;
/* 0x16 */ u16 unk_16;
/* 0x18 */ u16 unk_18;
}; // size = 0x1C
struct SynthesisReverb {
/* 0x000 */ u8 resampleFlags;
/* 0x001 */ u8 useReverb;
/* 0x002 */ u8 framesToIgnore;
/* 0x003 */ u8 curFrame;
/* 0x004 */ u8 downsampleRate;
/* 0x005 */ s8 unk_05;
/* 0x006 */ u16 windowSize;
/* 0x008 */ s16 unk_08;
/* 0x00A */ s16 unk_0A;
/* 0x00C */ u16 unk_0C;
/* 0x00E */ u16 unk_0E;
/* 0x010 */ s16 leakRtl;
/* 0x012 */ s16 leakLtr;
/* 0x014 */ u16 unk_14;
/* 0x016 */ s16 unk_16;
/* 0x018 */ u8 unk_18;
/* 0x019 */ u8 unk_19;
/* 0x01A */ u8 unk_1A;
/* 0x01B */ u8 unk_1B;
/* 0x01C */ s32 nextRingBufPos;
/* 0x020 */ s32 unk_20;
/* 0x024 */ s32 bufSizePerChan;
/* 0x028 */ s16* leftRingBuf;
/* 0x02C */ s16* rightRingBuf;
/* 0x030 */ void* unk_30;
/* 0x034 */ void* unk_34;
/* 0x038 */ void* unk_38;
/* 0x03C */ void* unk_3C;
/* 0x040 */ ReverbRingBufferItem items[2][5];
/* 0x158 */ ReverbRingBufferItem items2[2][5];
/* 0x270 */ s16* filterLeft;
/* 0x274 */ s16* filterRight;
/* 0x278 */ s16* filterLeftState;
/* 0x27C */ s16* filterRightState;
/* 0x280 */ SoundFontSound sound;
/* 0x288 */ SoundFontSample sample;
/* 0x298 */ AdpcmLoop loop;
}; // size = 0x2C8
struct Instrument {
/* 0x00 */ u8 loaded;
/* 0x01 */ u8 normalRangeLo;
/* 0x02 */ u8 normalRangeHi;
/* 0x03 */ u8 releaseRate;
/* 0x04 */ AdsrEnvelope* envelope;
/* 0x08 */ SoundFontSound lowNotesSound;
/* 0x10 */ SoundFontSound normalNotesSound;
/* 0x18 */ SoundFontSound highNotesSound;
}; // size = 0x20
struct Drum {
/* 0x00 */ u8 releaseRate;
/* 0x01 */ u8 pan;
/* 0x02 */ u8 loaded;
/* 0x04 */ SoundFontSound sound;
/* 0x14 */ AdsrEnvelope* envelope;
}; // size = 0x14
struct SoundFont {
/* 0x00 */ u8 numInstruments;
/* 0x01 */ u8 numDrums;
/* 0x02 */ u8 sampleBankId1;
/* 0x03 */ u8 sampleBankId2;
/* 0x04 */ u16 numSfx;
/* 0x08 */ Instrument** instruments;
/* 0x0C */ Drum** drums;
/* 0x10 */ SoundFontSound* soundEffects;
}; // size = 0x14
struct SeqScriptState {
/* 0x00 */ u8* pc;
/* 0x04 */ u8* stack[4];
/* 0x14 */ u8 remLoopIters[4];
/* 0x18 */ u8 depth;
/* 0x19 */ s8 value;
}; // size = 0x1C
// Also known as a Group, according to debug strings.
struct SequencePlayer {
u8 unk_0b1 : 1;
u8 stopScript : 1;
u8 recalculateVolume : 1;
u8 fontDmaInProgress : 1;
u8 seqDmaInProgress : 1;
u8 muted : 1;
u8 finished : 1;
u8 enabled : 1;
u8 enabled : 1;
u8 finished : 1;
u8 muted : 1;
u8 seqDmaInProgress : 1;
u8 fontDmaInProgress : 1;
u8 recalculateVolume : 1;
u8 stopScript : 1;
u8 unk_0b1 : 1;
/* 0x001 */ u8 state;
/* 0x002 */ u8 noteAllocPolicy;
/* 0x003 */ u8 muteBehavior;
/* 0x004 */ u8 seqId;
/* 0x005 */ u8 defaultFont;
/* 0x006 */ u8 unk_06[1];
/* 0x007 */ s8 playerIdx;
/* 0x008 */ u16 tempo; // tatums per minute
/* 0x00A */ u16 tempoAcc;
/* 0x00C */ u16 unk_0C;
/* 0x00E */ s16 transposition;
/* 0x010 */ u16 delay;
/* 0x012 */ u16 fadeTimer;
/* 0x014 */ u16 fadeTimerUnkEu;
/* 0x018 */ u8* seqData;
/* 0x01C */ f32 fadeVolume;
/* 0x020 */ f32 fadeVelocity;
/* 0x024 */ f32 volume;
/* 0x028 */ f32 muteVolumeScale;
/* 0x02C */ f32 fadeVolumeScale;
/* 0x030 */ f32 appliedFadeVolume;
/* 0x034 */ f32 unk_34;
/* 0x038 */ struct SequenceChannel* channels[16];
/* 0x078 */ SeqScriptState scriptState;
/* 0x094 */ u8* shortNoteVelocityTable;
/* 0x098 */ u8* shortNoteGateTimeTable;
/* 0x09C */ NotePool notePool;
/* 0x0DC */ s32 skipTicks;
/* 0x0E0 */ u32 scriptCounter;
/* 0x0E4 */ char unk_E4[0x74]; // unused struct members for sequence/sound font dma management, according to sm64 decomp
/* 0x158 */ s8 soundScriptIO[8];
}; // size = 0x160
struct AdsrSettings {
/* 0x0 */ u8 releaseRate;
/* 0x1 */ u8 sustain;
/* 0x4 */ AdsrEnvelope* envelope;
}; // size = 0x8
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ union {
struct A {
u8 state : 4;
u8 release : 1;
u8 decay : 1;
u8 hang : 1;
u8 unk_0b80 : 1;
u8 unk_0b80 : 1;
u8 hang : 1;
u8 decay : 1;
u8 release : 1;
u8 state : 4;
} s;
/* 0x00 */ u8 asByte;
} action;
/* 0x01 */ u8 envIndex;
/* 0x02 */ s16 delay;
/* 0x04 */ f32 sustain;
/* 0x08 */ f32 velocity;
/* 0x0C */ f32 fadeOutVel;
/* 0x10 */ f32 current;
/* 0x14 */ f32 target;
/* 0x18 */ char unk_18[4];
/* 0x1C */ AdsrEnvelope* envelope;
} AdsrState;
struct StereoData {
u8 usesHeadsetPanEffects : 1;
u8 stereoHeadsetEffects : 1;
u8 strongLeft : 1;
u8 strongRight : 1;
u8 bit2 : 2;
u8 unused : 2;
u8 unused : 2;
u8 bit2 : 2;
u8 strongRight : 1;
u8 strongLeft : 1;
u8 stereoHeadsetEffects : 1;
u8 usesHeadsetPanEffects : 1;
union Stereo {
/* 0x00 */ StereoData s;
/* 0x00 */ u8 asByte;
struct NoteAttributes {
/* 0x00 */ u8 reverb;
/* 0x01 */ u8 unk_1;
/* 0x02 */ u8 pan;
/* 0x03 */ Stereo stereo;
/* 0x04 */ u8 unk_4;
/* 0x06 */ u16 unk_6;
/* 0x08 */ f32 freqScale;
/* 0x0C */ f32 velocity;
/* 0x10 */ s16* filter;
/* 0x14 */ s16 filterBuf[8];
}; // size = 0x24
// Also known as a SubTrack, according to sm64 debug strings.
typedef struct SequenceChannel {
u8 unused : 1;
u8 largeNotes : 1; // notes specify duration and velocity
u8 stereoHeadsetEffects : 1;
u8 hasInstrument : 1;
u8 stopSomething2 : 1; // sets SequenceLayer.stopSomething
u8 stopScript : 1;
u8 finished : 1;
u8 enabled : 1;
u8 enabled : 1;
u8 finished : 1;
u8 stopScript : 1;
u8 stopSomething2 : 1; // sets SequenceLayer.stopSomething
u8 hasInstrument : 1;
u8 stereoHeadsetEffects : 1;
u8 largeNotes : 1; // notes specify duration and velocity
u8 unused : 1;
union {
struct {
u8 padding1 : 1;
u8 padding2 : 1;
u8 padding3 : 1;
u8 padding4 : 1;
u8 padding5 : 1;
u8 pan : 1;
u8 volume : 1;
u8 freqScale : 1;
u8 freqScale : 1;
u8 volume : 1;
u8 pan : 1;
u8 padding1 : 1;
u8 padding2 : 1;
u8 padding3 : 1;
u8 padding4 : 1;
u8 padding5 : 1;
} s;
/* 0x01 */ u8 asByte;
} changes;
/* 0x02 */ u8 noteAllocPolicy;
/* 0x03 */ u8 muteBehavior;
/* 0x04 */ u8 reverb; // or dry/wet mix
/* 0x05 */ u8 notePriority; // 0-3
/* 0x06 */ u8 someOtherPriority;
/* 0x07 */ u8 fontId;
/* 0x08 */ u8 reverbIndex;
/* 0x09 */ u8 bookOffset;
/* 0x0A */ u8 newPan;
/* 0x0B */ u8 panChannelWeight; // proportion of pan that comes from the channel (0..128)
/* 0x0C */ u8 unk_0C;
/* 0x0D */ u8 velocityRandomVariance;
/* 0x0E */ u8 gateTimeRandomVariance;
/* 0x0F */ u8 unk_0F;
/* 0x10 */ u16 vibratoRateStart;
/* 0x12 */ u16 vibratoExtentStart;
/* 0x14 */ u16 vibratoRateTarget;
/* 0x16 */ u16 vibratoExtentTarget;
/* 0x18 */ u16 vibratoRateChangeDelay;
/* 0x1A */ u16 vibratoExtentChangeDelay;
/* 0x1C */ u16 vibratoDelay;
/* 0x1E */ u16 delay;
/* 0x20 */ u16 unk_20;
/* 0x22 */ u16 unk_22;
/* 0x24 */ s16 instOrWave; // either 0 (none), instrument index + 1, or
// 0x80..0x83 for sawtooth/triangle/sine/square waves.
/* 0x26 */ s16 transposition;
/* 0x28 */ f32 volumeScale;
/* 0x2C */ f32 volume;
/* 0x30 */ s32 pan;
/* 0x34 */ f32 appliedVolume;
/* 0x38 */ f32 freqScale;
/* 0x3C */ u8 (*dynTable)[][2];
/* 0x40 */ struct Note* noteUnused;
/* 0x44 */ struct SequenceLayer* layerUnused;
/* 0x48 */ Instrument* instrument;
/* 0x4C */ SequencePlayer* seqPlayer;
/* 0x50 */ struct SequenceLayer* layers[4];
/* 0x60 */ SeqScriptState scriptState;
/* 0x7C */ AdsrSettings adsr;
/* 0x84 */ NotePool notePool;
/* 0xC4 */ s8 soundScriptIO[8]; // bridge between sound script and audio lib, "io ports"
/* 0xCC */ s16* filter;
/* 0xD0 */ Stereo stereo;
} SequenceChannel; // size = 0xD4
// Might also be known as a Track, according to sm64 debug strings (?).
struct SequenceLayer {
u8 notePropertiesNeedInit : 1;
u8 bit1 : 1; // "has initialized continuous notes"?
u8 ignoreDrumPan : 1;
u8 bit3 : 1; // "loaded"?
u8 continuousNotes : 1; // keep the same note for consecutive notes with the same sound
u8 stopSomething : 1;
u8 finished : 1;
u8 enabled : 1;
u8 enabled : 1;
u8 finished : 1;
u8 stopSomething : 1;
u8 continuousNotes : 1; // keep the same note for consecutive notes with the same sound
u8 bit3 : 1; // "loaded"?
u8 ignoreDrumPan : 1;
u8 bit1 : 1; // "has initialized continuous notes"?
u8 notePropertiesNeedInit : 1;
/* 0x01 */ Stereo stereo;
/* 0x02 */ u8 instOrWave;
/* 0x03 */ u8 gateTime;
/* 0x04 */ u8 semitone;
/* 0x05 */ u8 portamentoTargetNote;
/* 0x06 */ u8 pan; // 0..128
/* 0x07 */ u8 notePan;
/* 0x08 */ s16 delay;
/* 0x0A */ s16 gateDelay;
/* 0x0C */ s16 delay2;
/* 0x0E */ u16 portamentoTime;
/* 0x10 */ s16 transposition; // #semitones added to play commands
// (seq instruction encoding only allows referring to the limited range
// 0..0x3F; this makes 0x40..0x7F accessible as well)
/* 0x12 */ s16 shortNoteDefaultDelay;
/* 0x14 */ s16 lastDelay;
/* 0x18 */ AdsrSettings adsr;
/* 0x20 */ Portamento portamento;
/* 0x2C */ struct Note* note;
/* 0x30 */ f32 freqScale;
/* 0x34 */ f32 unk_34;
/* 0x38 */ f32 velocitySquare2;
/* 0x3C */ f32 velocitySquare; // not sure which one of those corresponds to the sm64 original
/* 0x40 */ f32 noteVelocity;
/* 0x44 */ f32 noteFreqScale;
/* 0x48 */ Instrument* instrument;
/* 0x4C */ SoundFontSound* sound;
/* 0x50 */ SequenceChannel* channel;
/* 0x54 */ SeqScriptState scriptState;
/* 0x70 */ AudioListItem listItem;
}; // size = 0x80
struct NoteSynthesisBuffers {
/* 0x0000 */ s16 adpcmdecState[0x10];
/* 0x0020 */ s16 finalResampleState[0x10];
/* 0x0040 */ s16 mixEnvelopeState[0x28];
/* 0x0090 */ s16 panResampleState[0x10];
/* 0x00B0 */ s16 panSamplesBuffer[0x20];
/* 0x00F0 */ s16 dummyResampleState[0x10];
}; // size = 0x110
struct NoteSynthesisState {
/* 0x00 */ u8 restart;
/* 0x01 */ u8 sampleDmaIndex;
/* 0x02 */ u8 prevHeadsetPanRight;
/* 0x03 */ u8 prevHeadsetPanLeft;
/* 0x04 */ u8 reverbVol;
/* 0x05 */ u8 numParts;
/* 0x06 */ u16 samplePosFrac;
/* 0x08 */ s32 samplePosInt;
/* 0x0C */ NoteSynthesisBuffers* synthesisBuffers;
/* 0x10 */ s16 curVolLeft;
/* 0x12 */ s16 curVolRight;
/* 0x14 */ u16 unk_14;
/* 0x16 */ u16 unk_16;
/* 0x18 */ u16 unk_18;
/* 0x1A */ u8 unk_1A;
/* 0x1C */ u16 unk_1C;
/* 0x1E */ u16 unk_1E;
}; // size = 0x20
struct VibratoState {
/* 0x00 */ struct SequenceChannel* channel;
/* 0x04 */ u32 time;
/* 0x08 */ s16* curve;
/* 0x0C */ f32 extent;
/* 0x10 */ f32 rate;
/* 0x14 */ u8 active;
/* 0x16 */ u16 rateChangeTimer;
/* 0x18 */ u16 extentChangeTimer;
/* 0x1A */ u16 delay;
}; // size = 0x1C
struct NotePlaybackState {
/* 0x00 */ u8 priority;
/* 0x01 */ u8 waveId;
/* 0x02 */ u8 sampleCountIndex;
/* 0x03 */ u8 fontId;
/* 0x04 */ u8 unk_04;
/* 0x05 */ u8 stereoHeadsetEffects;
/* 0x06 */ s16 adsrVolScaleUnused;
/* 0x08 */ f32 portamentoFreqScale;
/* 0x0C */ f32 vibratoFreqScale;
/* 0x10 */ SequenceLayer* prevParentLayer;
/* 0x14 */ SequenceLayer* parentLayer;
/* 0x18 */ SequenceLayer* wantedParentLayer;
/* 0x1C */ NoteAttributes attributes;
/* 0x40 */ AdsrState adsr;
// may contain portamento, vibratoState, if those are not part of Note itself
struct NoteSubEu {
struct {
u8 usesHeadsetPanEffects : 1; // ?
u8 stereoHeadsetEffects : 1;
u8 stereoStrongLeft : 1;
u8 stereoStrongRight : 1;
u8 unused : 1;
u8 finished : 1; // ?
u8 needsInit : 1;
u8 enabled : 1;
u8 enabled : 1;
u8 needsInit : 1;
u8 finished : 1; // ?
u8 unused : 1;
u8 stereoStrongRight : 1;
u8 stereoStrongLeft : 1;
u8 stereoHeadsetEffects : 1;
u8 usesHeadsetPanEffects : 1; // ?
} bitField0;
struct {
u8 usesHeadsetPanEffects2 : 1;
u8 hasTwoParts : 1;
u8 isSyntheticWave : 1;
u8 bookOffset : 2;
u8 reverbIndex : 3;
u8 reverbIndex : 3;
u8 bookOffset : 2;
u8 isSyntheticWave : 1;
u8 hasTwoParts : 1;
u8 usesHeadsetPanEffects2 : 1;
} bitField1;
/* 0x02 */ u8 unk_2;
/* 0x03 */ u8 headsetPanRight;
/* 0x04 */ u8 headsetPanLeft;
/* 0x05 */ u8 reverbVol;
/* 0x06 */ u8 unk_06;
/* 0x07 */ u8 unk_07;
/* 0x08 */ u16 targetVolLeft;
/* 0x0A */ u16 targetVolRight;
/* 0x0C */ u16 resamplingRateFixedPoint;
/* 0x0E */ u16 unk_0E;
/* 0x10 */ union {
SoundFontSound* soundFontSound;
s16* samples; // used for synthetic waves
} sound;
/* 0x14 */ s16* filter;
/* 0x18 */ char pad_18[0x8];
}; // size = 0x20
static_assert(sizeof(NoteSubEu) == 0x20, "incorrect NoteSubEu size!");
struct Note {
/* 0x00 */ AudioListItem listItem;
/* 0x10 */ NoteSynthesisState synthesisState;
/* 0x30 */ NotePlaybackState playbackState;
/* 0x90 */ Portamento portamento;
/* 0x9C */ VibratoState vibratoState;
/* 0xB8 */ char unk_B8[0x4];
/* 0xBC */ u32 unk_BC;
/* 0xC0 */ NoteSubEu noteSubEu;
}; // size = 0xE0
struct ReverbSettings {
/* 0x00 */ u8 downsampleRate;
/* 0x02 */ u16 windowSize;
/* 0x04 */ u16 unk_4;
/* 0x06 */ u16 unk_6;
/* 0x08 */ u16 unk_8;
/* 0x0A */ u16 unk_A;
/* 0x0C */ u16 leakRtl;
/* 0x0E */ u16 leakLtr;
/* 0x10 */ s8 unk_10;
/* 0x12 */ u16 unk_12;
/* 0x14 */ s16 lowPassFilterCutoffLeft;
/* 0x16 */ s16 lowPassFilterCutoffRight;
}; // size = 0x18
struct AudioSpec {
/* 0x00 */ u32 frequency;
/* 0x04 */ u8 unk_04;
/* 0x05 */ u8 numNotes;
/* 0x06 */ u8 numSequencePlayers;
/* 0x07 */ u8 unk_07; // unused, set to zero
/* 0x08 */ u8 unk_08; // unused, set to zero
/* 0x09 */ u8 numReverbs;
/* 0x0C */ ReverbSettings* reverbSettings;
/* 0x10 */ u16 sampleDmaBufSize1;
/* 0x12 */ u16 sampleDmaBufSize2;
/* 0x14 */ u16 unk_14;
/* 0x18 */ u32 persistentSeqMem;
/* 0x1C */ u32 persistentFontMem;
/* 0x20 */ u32 persistentSampleMem;
/* 0x24 */ u32 temporarySeqMem;
/* 0x28 */ u32 temporaryFontMem;
/* 0x2C */ u32 temporarySampleMem;
/* 0x30 */ s32 persistentSampleCacheMem;
/* 0x34 */ s32 temporarySampleCacheMem;
}; // size = 0x38
struct AudioBufferParameters {
/* 0x00 */ s16 specUnk4;
/* 0x02 */ u16 frequency;
/* 0x04 */ u16 aiFrequency;
/* 0x06 */ s16 samplesPerFrameTarget;
/* 0x08 */ s16 maxAiBufferLength;
/* 0x0A */ s16 minAiBufferLength;
/* 0x0C */ s16 updatesPerFrame;
/* 0x0E */ s16 samplesPerUpdate;
/* 0x10 */ s16 samplesPerUpdateMax;
/* 0x12 */ s16 samplesPerUpdateMin;
/* 0x14 */ s16 numSequencePlayers;
/* 0x18 */ f32 resampleRate;
/* 0x1C */ f32 updatesPerFrameInv;
/* 0x20 */ f32 unkUpdatesPerFrameScaled;
/* 0x24 */ f32 unk_24;
struct AudioAllocPool {
/* 0x0 */ u8* start;
/* 0x4 */ u8* cur;
/* 0x8 */ s32 size;
/* 0xC */ s32 count;
}; // size = 0x10
struct AudioCacheEntry {
/* 0x0 */ u8* ptr;
/* 0x4 */ u32 size;
/* 0x8 */ s16 tableType;
/* 0xA */ s16 id;
}; // size = 0xC
struct SampleCacheEntry {
/* 0x00 */ s8 inUse;
/* 0x01 */ s8 origMedium;
/* 0x02 */ s8 sampleBankId;
/* 0x03 */ char unk_03[0x5];
/* 0x08 */ u8* allocatedAddr;
/* 0x0C */ void* sampleAddr;
/* 0x10 */ u32 size;
}; // size = 0x14
struct AudioSampleCache {
/* 0x000 */ AudioAllocPool pool;
/* 0x010 */ SampleCacheEntry entries[32];
/* 0x290 */ s32 size;
}; // size = 0x294
struct AudioPersistentCache {
/* 0x00*/ u32 numEntries;
/* 0x04*/ AudioAllocPool pool;
/* 0x14*/ AudioCacheEntry entries[16];
}; // size = 0xD4
struct AudioTemporaryCache {
/* 0x00*/ u32 nextSide;
/* 0x04*/ AudioAllocPool pool;
/* 0x14*/ AudioCacheEntry entries[2];
}; // size = 0x3C
struct AudioCache {
/* 0x000*/ AudioPersistentCache persistent;
/* 0x0D4*/ AudioTemporaryCache temporary;
/* 0x100*/ u8 unk_100[0x10];
}; // size = 0x110
struct AudioPoolSplit2 {
u32 wantPersistent;
u32 wantTemporary;
}; // size = 0x8
struct AudioPoolSplit3 {
u32 wantSeq;
u32 wantFont;
u32 wantSample;
}; // size = 0xC
struct AudioPoolSplit4 {
u32 wantSeq;
u32 wantFont;
u32 wantSample;
u32 wantCustom;
}; // size = 0x10
struct AudioPreloadReq {
/* 0x00 */ u32 endAndMediumKey;
/* 0x04 */ SoundFontSample* sample;
/* 0x08 */ u8* ramAddr;
/* 0x0C */ u32 encodedInfo;
/* 0x10 */ s32 isFree;
}; // size = 0x14
typedef struct {
u32 opArgs;
u8 arg2;
u8 arg1;
u8 arg0;
u8 op;
struct {
u8 op;
u8 arg0;
u8 arg1;
u8 arg2;
union {
void* data;
f32 asFloat;
s32 asInt;
u16 asUShort;
s8 asSbyte;
u8 asUbyte;
u32 asUInt;
void* data;
f32 asFloat;
s32 asInt;
struct {
s8 padding1[2];
u16 asUShort;
struct {
s8 padding2[3];
s8 asSbyte;
struct {
s8 padding3[3];
u8 asUbyte;
u32 asUInt;
} AudioCmd;
struct AudioAsyncLoad {
/* 0x00 */ s8 status;
/* 0x01 */ s8 delay;
/* 0x02 */ s8 medium;
/* 0x04 */ u8* ramAddr;
/* 0x08 */ u32 curDevAddr;
/* 0x0C */ u8* curRamAddr;
/* 0x10 */ u32 bytesRemaining;
/* 0x14 */ u32 chunkSize;
/* 0x18 */ s32 unkMediumParam;
/* 0x1C */ u32 retMsg;
/* 0x20 */ OSMesgQueue* retQueue;
/* 0x24 */ OSMesgQueue msgQueue;
/* 0x3C */ OSMesg msg;
/* 0x40 */ OSIoMesg ioMesg;
}; // size = 0x58
struct AudioSlowLoad {
/* 0x00 */ u8 medium;
/* 0x01 */ u8 seqOrFontId;
/* 0x02 */ u16 instId;
/* 0x04 */ s32 unkMediumParam;
/* 0x08 */ Pointer curDevAddr;
/* 0x0C */ u8* curRamAddr;
/* 0x10 */ u8* ramAddr;
/* 0x14 */ s32 status;
/* 0x18 */ s32 bytesRemaining;
/* 0x1C */ s8* isDone;
/* 0x20 */ SoundFontSample sample;
/* 0x48 */ OSMesg msg;
/* 0x4C */ OSIoMesg ioMesg;
}; // size = 0x64
struct AudioTableEntry {
/* 0x00 */ uintptr_t romAddr;
/* 0x04 */ u32 size;
/* 0x08 */ s8 medium;
/* 0x09 */ s8 cachePolicy;
/* 0x0A */ s16 shortData1;
/* 0x0C */ s16 shortData2;
/* 0x0E */ s16 shortData3;
}; // size = 0x10
struct AudioTable {
/* 0x00 */ s16 numEntries;
/* 0x02 */ s16 unkMediumParam;
/* 0x04 */ uintptr_t romAddr;
/* 0x08 */ char pad[0x8];
/* 0x10 */ AudioTableEntry entries[1]; // (dynamic size)
}; // size >= 0x20
struct AudioTableDef {
/* 0x00 */ s16 numEntries;
/* 0x02 */ s16 unkMediumParam;
/* 0x04 */ uintptr_t romAddr;
/* 0x08 */ char pad[0x8];
/* 0x10 */ AudioTableEntry entries[]; // (dynamic size)
}; // size >= 0x20
struct AudioTask {
/* 0x00 */ OSTask task;
/* 0x40 */ OSMesgQueue* taskQueue;
/* 0x44 */ void* unk_44; // probably a message that gets unused.
/* 0x48 */ char unk_48[0x8];
}; // size = 0x50
struct SampleDma {
/* 0x00 */ u8* ramAddr;
/* 0x04 */ Pointer devAddr;
/* 0x08 */ u16 sizeUnused;
/* 0x0A */ u16 size;
/* 0x0C */ u8 unused;
/* 0x0D */ u8 reuseIndex; // position in sSampleDmaReuseQueue1/2, if ttl == 0
/* 0x0E */ u8 ttl; // duration after which the DMA can be discarded
}; // size = 0x10
struct AudioContext {
/* 0x0000 */ char unk_0000;
/* 0x0001 */ s8 numSynthesisReverbs;
/* 0x0002 */ u16 unk_2;
/* 0x0004 */ u16 unk_4;
/* 0x0006 */ char unk_0006[0x0A];
/* 0x0010 */ s16* curLoadedBook;
/* 0x0014 */ NoteSubEu* noteSubsEu;
/* 0x0018 */ SynthesisReverb synthesisReverbs[4];
/* 0x0B38 */ char unk_0B38[0x30];
/* 0x0B68 */ SoundFontSample* usedSamples[128];
/* 0x0D68 */ AudioPreloadReq preloadSampleStack[128];
/* 0x1768 */ s32 numUsedSamples;
/* 0x176C */ s32 preloadSampleStackTop;
/* 0x1770 */ AudioAsyncLoad asyncLoads[0x10];
/* 0x1D08 */ char unk_1D08[0x40];
/* 0x1D48 */ AudioAsyncLoad* curUnkMediumLoad;
/* 0x1D4C */ u32 slowLoadPos;
/* 0x1D50 */ AudioSlowLoad slowLoads[2];
/* 0x1E18 */ OSPiHandle* cartHandle;
/* 0x1E1C */ OSPiHandle* driveHandle;
/* 0x261C */ SampleDma* sampleDmas;
/* 0x2620 */ u32 sampleDmaCount;
/* 0x2624 */ u32 sampleDmaListSize1;
/* 0x2628 */ s32 unused2628;
/* 0x262C */ u8 sampleDmaReuseQueue1[0x100]; // read pos <= write pos, wrapping mod 256
/* 0x272C */ u8 sampleDmaReuseQueue2[0x100];
/* 0x282C */ u8 sampleDmaReuseQueue1RdPos;
/* 0x282D */ u8 sampleDmaReuseQueue2RdPos;
/* 0x282E */ u8 sampleDmaReuseQueue1WrPos;
/* 0x282F */ u8 sampleDmaReuseQueue2WrPos;
/* 0x2830 */ AudioTable* sequenceTable;
/* 0x2834 */ AudioTable* soundFontTable;
/* 0x2838 */ AudioTable* sampleBankTable;
/* 0x283C */ u8* sequenceFontTable;
/* 0x2840 */ u16 numSequences;
/* 0x2844 */ SoundFont* soundFonts;
/* 0x2848 */ AudioBufferParameters audioBufferParameters;
/* 0x2870 */ f32 unk_2870;
/* 0x2874 */ s32 sampleDmaBufSize1;
/* 0x2874 */ s32 sampleDmaBufSize2;
/* 0x287C */ char unk_287C[0x10];
/* 0x288C */ s32 sampleDmaBufSize;
/* 0x2890 */ s32 maxAudioCmds;
/* 0x2894 */ s32 numNotes;
/* 0x2898 */ s16 tempoInternalToExternal;
/* 0x289A */ s8 soundMode;
/* 0x289C */ s32 totalTaskCnt;
/* 0x28A0 */ s32 curAudioFrameDmaCount;
/* 0x28A4 */ s32 rspTaskIdx;
/* 0x28A8 */ s32 curAIBufIdx;
/* 0x28AC */ Acmd* abiCmdBufs[2];
/* 0x28B4 */ Acmd* curAbiCmdBuf;
/* 0x28B8 */ AudioTask* currTask;
/* 0x28BC */ char unk_28BC[0x4];
/* 0x28C0 */ AudioTask rspTask[2];
/* 0x2960 */ f32 unk_2960;
/* 0x2964 */ s32 refreshRate;
/* 0x2968 */ s16* aiBuffers[3];
/* 0x2974 */ s16 aiBufLengths[3];
/* 0x297C */ u32 audioRandom;
/* 0x2980 */ s32 audioErrorFlags;
/* 0x2984 */ volatile u32 resetTimer;
/* 0x2988 */ char unk_2988[0x8];
/* 0x2990 */ AudioAllocPool audioSessionPool;
/* 0x29A0 */ AudioAllocPool externalPool;
/* 0x29B0 */ AudioAllocPool audioInitPool;
/* 0x29C0 */ AudioAllocPool notesAndBuffersPool;
/* 0x29D0 */ char unk_29D0[0x20]; // probably two unused pools
/* 0x29F0 */ AudioAllocPool cachePool;
/* 0x2A00 */ AudioAllocPool persistentCommonPool;
/* 0x2A10 */ AudioAllocPool temporaryCommonPool;
/* 0x2A20 */ AudioCache seqCache;
/* 0x2B30 */ AudioCache fontCache;
/* 0x2C40 */ AudioCache sampleBankCache;
/* 0x2D50 */ AudioAllocPool permanentPool;
/* 0x2D60 */ AudioCacheEntry permanentCache[32];
/* 0x2EE0 */ AudioSampleCache persistentSampleCache;
/* 0x3174 */ AudioSampleCache temporarySampleCache;
/* 0x3408 */ AudioPoolSplit4 sessionPoolSplit;
/* 0x3418 */ AudioPoolSplit2 cachePoolSplit;
/* 0x3420 */ AudioPoolSplit3 persistentCommonPoolSplit;
/* 0x342C */ AudioPoolSplit3 temporaryCommonPoolSplit;
/* 0x3438 */ u8 sampleFontLoadStatus[0x30];
/* 0x3468 */ u8 fontLoadStatus[0x30];
/* 0x3498 */ u8 seqLoadStatus[0x80];
/* 0x3518 */ volatile u8 resetStatus;
/* 0x3519 */ u8 audioResetSpecIdToLoad;
/* 0x351C */ s32 audioResetFadeOutFramesLeft;
/* 0x3520 */ f32* unk_3520;
/* 0x3524 */ u8* audioHeap;
/* 0x3528 */ u32 audioHeapSize;
/* 0x352C */ Note* notes;
/* 0x3530 */ SequencePlayer seqPlayers[4];
/* 0x3AB0 */ SequenceLayer sequenceLayers[64];
/* 0x5AB0 */ SequenceChannel sequenceChannelNone;
/* 0x5B84 */ s32 noteSubEuOffset;
/* 0x5B88 */ AudioListItem layerFreeList;
/* 0x5B98 */ NotePool noteFreeLists;
/* 0x5BD8 */ u8 cmdWrPos;
/* 0x5BD9 */ u8 cmdRdPos;
/* 0x5BDA */ u8 cmdQueueFinished;
/* 0x5BDC */ u16 unk_5BDC[4];
/* 0x5BE4 */ OSMesgQueue* audioResetQueueP;
/* 0x5BE8 */ OSMesgQueue* taskStartQueueP;
/* 0x5BEC */ OSMesgQueue* cmdProcQueueP;
/* 0x5BF0 */ OSMesgQueue taskStartQueue;
/* 0x5C08 */ OSMesgQueue cmdProcQueue;
/* 0x5C20 */ OSMesgQueue audioResetQueue;
/* 0x5C38 */ OSMesg taskStartMsgs[1];
/* 0x5C3C */ OSMesg audioResetMesgs[1];
/* 0x5C40 */ OSMesg cmdProcMsgs[4];
/* 0x5C50 */ AudioCmd cmdBuf[0x100];
}; // size = 0x6450
struct NoteSubAttributes {
/* 0x00 */ u8 reverbVol;
/* 0x01 */ u8 unk_1;
/* 0x02 */ u8 pan;
/* 0x03 */ Stereo stereo;
/* 0x04 */ f32 frequency;
/* 0x08 */ f32 velocity;
/* 0x0C */ char unk_0C[0x4];
/* 0x10 */ s16* filter;
/* 0x14 */ u8 unk_14;
/* 0x16 */ u16 unk_16;
}; // size = 0x18
struct AudioContextInitSizes {
/* 0x00 */ u32 heapSize;
/* 0x04 */ u32 initPoolSize;
/* 0x08 */ u32 permanentPoolSize;
}; // size = 0xC
struct unk_50_s {
/* 0x00 */ f32 unk_00;
/* 0x04 */ f32 unk_04;
/* 0x08 */ f32 unk_08;
/* 0x0C */ u16 unk_0C;
/* 0x10 */ f32 unk_10;
/* 0x14 */ f32 unk_14;
/* 0x18 */ f32 unk_18;
/* 0x1C */ u16 unk_1C;
}; // size = 0x20
struct AudioPlayer {
/* 0x000 */ f32 volCur;
/* 0x004 */ f32 volTarget;
/* 0x008 */ f32 unk_08;
/* 0x00C */ u16 unk_0C;
/* 0x00E */ u8 volScales[0x4];
/* 0x012 */ u8 volFadeTimer;
/* 0x013 */ u8 fadeVolUpdate;
/* 0x014 */ u32 unk_14;
/* 0x018 */ u16 unk_18;
/* 0x01C */ f32 tempo;
/* 0x020 */ f32 unk_20;
/* 0x024 */ f32 unk_24;
/* 0x028 */ u16 unk_28;
/* 0x02C */ u32 unk_2C[8];
/* 0x04C */ u8 unk_4C;
/* 0x04D */ u8 unk_4D;
/* 0x04E */ u8 unk_4E;
/* 0x050 */ unk_50_s unk_50[0x10];
/* 0x250 */ u16 unk_250;
/* 0x252 */ u16 unk_252;
/* 0x254 */ u16 seqAndFlags;
/* 0x256 */ u16 unk_256;
/* 0x258 */ u16 unk_258;
/* 0x25C */ u32 unk_25C;
/* 0x260 */ u8 unk_260;
}; // size = 0x264
enum SoundBankTypes {
/* 0 */ BANK_PLAYER,
/* 1 */ BANK_ITEM,
/* 2 */ BANK_ENV,
/* 3 */ BANK_ENEMY,
/* 4 */ BANK_SYSTEM,
/* 6 */ BANK_VOICE
enum SfxState {
struct SoundBankEntry {
/* 0x00 */ f32* posX;
/* 0x04 */ f32* posY;
/* 0x08 */ f32* posZ;
/* 0x0C */ u8 token;
/* 0x10 */ f32* freqScale;
/* 0x14 */ f32* vol;
/* 0x18 */ s8* reverbAdd;
/* 0x1C */ f32 dist;
/* 0x20 */ u32 priority; // lower is more prioritized
/* 0x24 */ u8 sfxImportance;
/* 0x26 */ u16 sfxParams;
/* 0x28 */ u16 sfxId;
/* 0x2A */ u8 state; // uses SfxState enum
/* 0x2B */ u8 freshness;
/* 0x2C */ u8 prev;
/* 0x2D */ u8 next;
/* 0x2E */ u8 channelIdx;
/* 0x2F */ u8 unk_2F;
}; // size = 0x30
* index 0000000111111111 observed in audio code
* & 200 0000001000000000 single bit
* & 400 0000010000000000 single bit
* & 800 0000100000000000 single bit, what we currently call SFX_FLAG
* & 600 0000011000000000 2 bits
* & A00 0000101000000000 2 bits
* & C00 0000110000000000 2 bits, observed in audio code
* & E00 0000111000000000 all 3 bits
* bank 1111000000000000 observed in audio code
#define SFX_BANK_SHIFT(sfxId) (((sfxId) >> 12) & 0xFF)
#define SFX_BANK_MASK(sfxId) ((sfxId) & 0xF000)
#define SFX_INDEX(sfxId) ((sfxId) & 0x01FF)
struct ActiveSound {
u32 priority; // lower is more prioritized
u8 entryIndex;
struct SoundParams {
u8 importance;
u16 params;
struct OcarinaNote {
/* 0x0000 */ u8 noteIdx;
/* 0x0001 */ u8 unk_01;
/* 0x0002 */ u16 unk_02;
/* 0x0004 */ u8 volume;
/* 0x0005 */ u8 vibrato;
/* 0x0006 */ s8 tone;
/* 0x0007 */ u8 semitone;
}; // size = 0x8
struct OcarinaSongInfo {
u8 len;
u8 notesIdx[8];
struct OcarinaStaff {
u8 noteIdx;
u8 state; // original name: "status"
u8 pos; // original name: "locate"
enum OcarinaNoteIdx {
template <u32 SZ> struct VAdpcmBook
s32 order;
s32 npredictors;
s16 book[SZ];
#define gTatumsPerBeat (D_8014A6C0[1])
extern void(*D_801755D0)(void);
extern AudioContext gAudioContext;
extern OcarinaNote* gScarecrowCustomSongPtr;
extern u8* gScarecrowSpawnSongPtr;
extern OcarinaSongInfo gOcarinaSongNotes[];
extern SoundParams* gSoundParams[7];
extern f32 gBendPitchOneOctaveFrequencies[256];
extern SoundBankEntry* gSoundBanks[7];
extern s16* gWaveSamples[9];
extern f32 gBendPitchOneOctaveFrequencies[256];
extern f32 gBendPitchTwoSemitonesFrequencies[256];
extern f32 gNoteFrequencies[];
extern u8 gDefaultShortNoteVelocityTable[16];
extern u8 gDefaultShortNoteGateTimeTable[16];
extern AdsrEnvelope gDefaultEnvelope[4];
extern NoteSubEu gZeroNoteSub;
extern NoteSubEu gDefaultNoteSub;
extern u16 gHeadsetPanQuantization[64];
extern s16 D_8012FBA8[];
extern f32 gHeadsetPanVolume[128];
extern f32 gStereoPanVolume[128];
extern f32 gDefaultPanVolume[128];
extern s16 sLowPassFilterData[16 * 8];
extern s16 sHighPassFilterData[15 * 8];
extern s32 gAudioContextInitalized;
extern u8 gIsLargeSoundBank[7];
extern u8 gChannelsPerBank[4][7];
extern u8 gUsedChannelsPerBank[4][7];
extern u8 gMorphaTransposeTable[16];
extern u8* gFrogsSongPtr;
extern char D_80133390[];
extern char D_80133398[];
extern u8 gSfxChannelLayout;
extern Vec3f gAudioDefaultPos;
extern f32 D_801333E0;
extern s8 gReverbAdd2;
extern u8 D_801333F0;
extern u8 gAudioSfxSwapOff;
extern u8 gAudioDisable;
extern u8 D_8013340C;
extern u8 gAudioSpecId;
extern u8 gAudioSyncMode;
extern s16 gOcarinaSongItemMap[];
extern AudioTableDef gSoundFontTable;
extern u16 gSequenceFontTable[];
extern AudioTableDef gSequenceTable;
extern AudioTableDef gSampleBankTable;
extern u8 gAudioHeap[0x38000];
extern ActiveSound gActiveSounds[7][MAX_CHANNELS_PER_BANK]; // total size = 0xA8
extern u8 gSoundBankMuted[];
extern u16 gAudioSfxSwapSource[10];
extern u16 gAudioSfxSwapTarget[10];
extern u8 gAudioSfxSwapMode[10];
extern u8 gAudioPlayerInfoNum[4];
extern u32 sAudioSeqCmds[0x100];
extern AudioPlayer gAudioPlayers[4];
extern AudioContext gAudioContext;
extern void(*D_801755D0)(void);
extern const s16 D_8014A6C0[];
extern AudioSpec gAudioSpecs[18];